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Good Morning.

And the Lord said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and indeed it is a stiff-necked people! Now therefore, let Me alone, that My wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them. And I will make of you a great nation. Then Moses pleaded with the Lord. (Exodus 32:9-11)

Apparently, all Moses had to do was stand aside and his cares and responsibilities in regard to these people would have been over. They were, as it is pointed out, stubborn and prone to complaining and backsliding. Only a few months into the journey and they were showing their true colors so much so that God was ready to destroy them. Moses could have been rid of them — all he had to do was keep silent and step aside. But he didn’t.

Instead, he boldly reminds the LORD (as if He had forgotten) that these people are “Your people” that “You” brought out of Egypt. He brazenly invokes the names of Abraham, Isaac and Israel and, once again, reminds the Creator of all things what He has promised to them and to their descendants. At this moment, Moses became Israel’s advocate, bearing them. upon his shoulders as he stood before the Almighty. And it worked; God relented.

It is my view that this is the reason Moses was chosen to lead the people. True, he really didn’t want the job and, true, he oftentimes got agitated with the people and, still, he cared enough for them to stand in the gap when their destruction was hanging in the balance. It should be clear that Moses had the heart of a shepherd, which is exactly what God was looking for (and is looking for) in a leader. It should also be clear that Moses was a precursor to the Messiah. When we deserved death, He stood in the gap for us and delivered us from certain death. And because He has done this, we have the promise of tomorrow. We have a future and a hopeful one at that. Let us forever be grateful that our Great Shepherd cared enough for us that He didn’t step aside but stepped into our place.

Blessings and Shalom,  




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