One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple. (Psalm 27:4)
The desires of men tend to be in a constant state of flux and instability; we vacillate and change our minds with every new whim that comes into our mind. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say this is true of mankind in general, rather than of those who hearts and minds are fixed on the LORD and His Kingdom. That is the point that David makes here: though most are susceptible to change their minds and follow the desires of their errant heart, David resolved to desire one thing — God’s Presence. When all is said and done, to be permitted to reside in the Presence of the Almighty outweighs anything this world has to offer.
Not only did David express this desire but he pledged to pursue it. Some people express one thing with their mouth, perhaps to appear humble or pious, when in reality their heart yearns for things that are pleasing to their will and selfish inclinations. David made it clear that what was in his heart to do — to abide in the House of the LORD — was the thing he would seek. His words truthfully reflected the desire of his heart. In fact, the word translated “seek” also means “to beg” or “plead” for. His desire for intimacy with the Creator was so intense that he was prepared to beg God to allow it.
Of course, the Bible is clear that God is just as desirous, even more so actually, to have this kind of intimacy with us. This is why, in fact, He sent His Son to atone for our transgressions — that we could dwell in the House of the LORD forever. So then, let us consider what our heart truly longs for and whether it matches what our mouth expresses. If we share this same desire — longing for intimacy with our Creator — and pursue it with all our heart, we have the promise that we will not be disappointed. As it is written, if we delight in the Lord as David did, He shall give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4).
Blessings and Shalom,
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