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For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes and I have walked in Your truth. (Psalm 26:3)

Messiah charged His disciples to walk in obedience with this statement: “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). He was essentially challenging them to demonstrate whether or not they really did love Him by asking them do what is right. Did they truly appreciate all that He had done and would do on their behalf or not? In this verse, David reveals that he is acutely aware of God’s kindness to him and, consequently, is motivated to walk in His truth, that is, to do what is right in the eyes of God.

Juxtapose that attitude with one of ungratefulness; here are some examples in Scripture that come to mind. When Adam was confronted with his sin, his response was to throw his wife under the bus and, at least it seems this way to me, somewhat accuse God of giving him a faulty mate — “The woman You gave me is responsible for this.” When Israel was faced with any difficulty, they would almost always default to the position of wishing they had never left Egypt and what it provided. They accused God of bringing them into the wilderness to kill them and their children. Once they were brazen enough to say, “You haven’t brought us into a land of milk and honey; you brought us out of a land of milk and honey,” referring to Egypt of course. The point is, God’s people have a bad habit of quickly forgetting the goodness of God as soon as life takes a wrong turn.

God does not allow anything to touch our lives unless, in the end, it serves His purpose to make us better and stronger. Even in that, as hard as some tests can be, we can see the kindness of God because when we are tested and tried we are presented with an opportunity to draw closer to the Master. And so, rather than griping about the person God uses to be the sandpaper in our lives, maybe we should see it as God’s kindness to us in that He is giving us opportunity to walk in His truth. When life presents a challenge and we don’t see how things are going to turn out, instead of behaving like ungrateful brats, maybe we should be thankful for everything God has already done and everything we believe He will do. Let’s be inspired to emulate David’s example and remember his words: “Because Your kindness is evident in my life, I am going to do what is right because I love you.”

Blessings and Shalom,  




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