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The War In Edom

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SKU: DVD-44 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,


In Psalm 83, it is prophesied that the enemies of God would rise up and come against the people of God. Chief among these antagonists is the “tents of Edom” which is to say, the descendants of Esau. It is also prophesied in other books that, in the last days, God will wage war on Edom because of their hatred toward Israel. Their destruction will be complete and will pave the way for one of the most incredible events in human history — the reunification of the kingdom of Israel.
In this teaching series, Bill explores the different prophecies that speak of this climactic battle in the ongoing struggle between Jacob and his nemesis, Esau. Furthermore, this teaching will show how Joseph — and those he represents prophetically — factor into this all-important showdown.

Included in this teaching:

  • The alliance between Esau and Ishmael
  • The “hidden ones” in Psalm 83
  • The identity of Edom in the last days
  • Why Joseph and Judah are reunited


Approximately 2 hours.

Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 7.5625 × 5.3125 × 0.5625 in

2 reviews for The War In Edom

  1. Blue

    Bill’s teaching is always top notch. Everyone has heard about the big war, Gog of Magog. The events leading up to it are fascinating. The war in Edom is very interesting. I’m on my third time watching.

  2. miriam english

    bill connects current events, history and prophecy into a well detailed but easy to understand teaching.
    bill displays and explains indept scriptures that detail some of the other
    events that are soon to occur.
    we who know the GOD of the bible and YAHSHUA as our MESSIAH should remember to lift our heads for our REDEMPTION draws near.
    and we need to share the salvation message with others.

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