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Torah Portion: Shelach L’cha


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This is Bill’s commentary on the torah portion, shelach l’cha or “send for yourself.” Poised to cross into the land of Canaan, Israel compels Moses to send an expedition of twelve scouts to investigate how to take the land. Unfortunately, ten of them gave an evil report that concluded, “we are unable to take the land.” As a result, the conquest of Canaan was delayed by almost forty years. In the end, Israel made decisions based on what they saw rather than what they heard – their eye led them astray. Ironically, this sidrahconcludes with the laws concerning the tzitzit (“fringes”). In this commandment we see the necessity to gaze upon that which the Creator has given us to do rather than gaze upon the giants in the land. In focusing our eyes upon Him, we can more clearly hear what He commands. Much more! (Approximately 60 minutes).


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