This is a teaching on the parsha Vay’yikra – “And He called.” This sidrah establishes a connection between the process to construct the mishkan with the necessary procedures to sustain the mishkan as it was intended to be – the place where His Presence would reside in the midst of His people.
This teaching emphasizes the tutor aspect of the sacrificial system, specifically, in that the offerings (korban) were to expose those who had a heart to draw near unto the Creator. Furthermore these voluntary offerings revealed the people who were willing to devote themselves completely to God and submit unto Him as a bondservant. Hope you enjoy.
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Wonderful way for me to keep sabbath, I so enjoy your weekly Torah portions. Very thought provoking. Spiritual Food. Thank you.
Also, I hope your sabbath services will eventually be weekly, I am enjoying bring able to have a sabbath service to watch, listen and feel apart of on the weekly sabbath. Blessings and shalom to you, Bill and your family.
P.S. I did sign up for email updates…haven’t received one in quite a while, maybe you don’t do them weekly?….just hope I’m still on your email list
Nancy. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. We try to send out an email each Friday. We missed this last Friday because all of us were out of town and unable to get it done. Be looking for an email soon. As for the sabbath services, we hope that they will eventually be weekly, too. Be praying for us. Blessings.
Thank you so much for your ministry. I am looking for teaching on the ten virgins from am Hebraic perspective. I am sure Bill has a great one, but I don’t know wherevto look. Thanks.