Where the previous torah portion addressed the people of Israel and the instructions of where and how they were to present their offerings, this sidrah addressed the priests and how they were perform their duties. These chapters essentially constitute a “how to” manual for the priests where these offerings are concerned.
Some of the specifics of this teaching include the principle of “holy foods” and their ability to cause something that comes in contact with them to be deemed holy as well. I also look at the rabbinic belief that, among all the offerings, the todah or “thanksgiving” offering is considered to be supreme as well as eternal. I also compare Moses’ humility, specifically when he washed Aaron and his sons, with that of Y’shua when He humbled himself to wash the feet of His disciples. Hope you enjoy.
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I wholeheartedly enjoy these weekly Torah portions. Thank you and blessings and shalom to you dear Bill
Nancy. So glad they’re a blessing. Blessings.
keep them coming! Amy
We’ll do.
Thank you Bill. I’m truly seeing how the Torah portions are very relevant to our walk today in Messiah Yeshua.
I’ve been listening to you and others from JT since 2020 and the Father has shown me so much over these last two years, it’s mind blowing! I look forward to what He is doing through us all and what He will teach us if we stay humble. Shalom brother.
Catherine; Glad you are blessed by these. Shalom.