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1 Tammuz — Are You Feeling the Squeeze?

1 Tammuz — Are You Feeling the Squeeze?

It was on this day that Jacob and his family arrived in Goshen to begin their sojourn in Egypt. It’s recorded in Genesis 46: “Then Jacob arose from Beersheba; and the sons of Israel carried their father Jacob, their little ones, and their wives, in the carts which...
1 Tammuz — Are You Feeling the Squeeze?

30 Sivan — Make Things Right

It was on this day in the year 1927 that, in a public letter written to Louis Marshall, Henry Ford of the Ford Motor Company retracted and apologized for the spurious, “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” As you may know, this publication made fantastic...
1 Tammuz — Are You Feeling the Squeeze?

29 Sivan — A “Feel Good” Message

According to tradition, it was on this day that Moses dispatched the twelve spies to go into the land of Canaan:  “Then Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said to them, ‘Go up this way into the South, and go up to the mountains, and see what the...
1 Tammuz — Are You Feeling the Squeeze?

28 Sivan — Why God Uses The Wilderness

It was on this day that Moses led the children of Israel into the wilderness of Paran, as recorded in Numbers 12: “And afterward the people moved from Hazeroth and camped in the Wilderness of Paran.” (Numbers 12:16) There is a great deal of theological debate as to...

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