Therefore know this day, and consider it in your heart, that the Lord Himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other. (Deuteronomy 4:39)
There are things that we know about and then there are things that we know. and by that I mean, we know them intimately — through experience. In that vein, I believe it is obvious that there are many people who know about God but only a remnant of those actually know God intimately and through experience with Him. The masses who know about Him seldom take what He says to heart and, consequently, lack the commitment to do what He says wholeheartedly. That scenario falls far short of meeting the requirement to “Love the LORD your God with heart, soul and strength.”
In short, many try to bypass the heart altogether and simply “love” God from an intellectual perspective. But if that is the case, what happens when something about God doesn’t compute with our intellect? In other words, what kind of commitment to God can we expect from someone who will believe only when it makes sense to them? In sharp contrast to this, Moses charged Israel with the obligation to know God and not just know about Him. They were to “take to heart” all that He had told them and internalize it until it became part of who they were.
The same is true for us today; we must internalize the Word of God to the point that it becomes part of us. In other words, it should not be limited to memorizing verses of Scripture but we should embrace the concepts and precepts until they manifest in a Godly lifestyle. Anyone can memorize Scripture and have knowledge about God but we need to be so immersed in His Word that we understand it and be as David who said, “My ears You have opened.” And if that is so, we must remember that sometimes what He says to us may not make sense to us, nevertheless, we will obey because we love Him with all of our heart.
Blessings and Shalom,
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