Your little ones and your children, who you say will be victims, who today have no knowledge of good and evil, they shall go in there; to them I will give it, and they shall possess it. (Deuteronomy 1:39)
Certainly, it is natural for parents to be concerned about their children and, at times, to fear for their well-being and future. I’d go so far as to say that, for many of us, our children are our weakness in that, when we feel they are in peril, we can become extremely emotional. And as we know, emotionally charged decisions are not always the wisest decisions, in fact, they almost never are. Such is the case with Israel when they gave into their emotions, feared for their children and forgot something very important — their Heavenly Father had promised to watch over them all.
If they would have only taken the time to remember and consider that God had guided and protected their children and especially when the parents were walking in obedience. While still in Egypt, the fathers of Israel were commanded to slaughter a lamb and, with a hyssop branch, place the blood of that lamb upon the doorposts of their home thus preventing the Destroyer from being able to enter. Their obedience in this matter was not just for them but for the sake of their firstborn child. In other words, because of their obedience, God saved their children. It was the favor God bestowed upon Noah that allowed for His children and their families to be saved. Paul told the Philippian jailer that if he believed, he and his entire family would be saved (Acts 16:31).
In today’s world, it is easy to give into fears about our loved ones, and especially our children and grandchildren. The fact of the matter is that investing our time in fearful “what ifs” is not healthy or productive — our fears will not change anything. However, when we decide that we will trust the LORD no matter what we see swirling around us, and determine to walk in submission to His Will, we can take comfort in the knowledge that He will look over our loved ones. Yes, it is true that they might have to go through extreme difficulty but it is also true that God is merciful to those who fear and obey Him. So keep this is mind when you are tempted to give in to fear over your children — God has no grandchildren; your child is His child first and foremost and He knows what His children need.
Blessings and Shalom,
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