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According to some traditions, it was on this day that Noah and his family departed from the ark, just a little over a year after entering into the ark. Scripture records this in Genesis 8:18, 20-21:

“So, Noah went forth, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him. Then Noah built an altar unto the Lord, and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a sweet savor.”

The text goes on to record that God determined He would never again curse the ground for man’s sake. As long as the earth remained, seed time and harvest would continue. 

In a sense, Noah and his family were the seed that was planted back into the ground because they represented those who had not defiled themselves with the other seed. Put another way, Noah and family were the wheat who had not contaminated by the tares. The flood was God’s way of purging His field of all the poisonous seed— the tares and weeds, etc., in order to sow good seed into the earth, once again. 

Messiah said that the days before His coming would like the days of Noah. If you believe that we are living in those days, then let us take a lesson from Noah and his family. Like Noah, God’s people in this age must be committed to remaining untainted by the defiling ideologies and philosophies of the day. We are not to mix and mingle with the customs and trends of society. We are not to get carried away, as so many have, by tolerance and coexistence. As His people, we are not called to take popular positions, but rather to stand against the tides of culture. 

When the floods come and the storms rage and God moves to remove all things that offend, remaining set apart will prove to be well worth it. 


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