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And Edom shall be a possession; Seir also, his enemies, shall be a possession, while Israel does valiantly. (Numbers 24:18)

Where the enemies of Israel are concerned, Edom ranks at the top. Moab, Midian and others are certainly prominent antagonists but the children of Esau, which would include Amalek, have been Jacob’s primary nemesis from ancient times. The beginning of this “feud” is recorded in Genesis 25 in a prophecy given to Rebekah in which she was told that her yet unborn twins would continually contend with each other. Furthermore, if one was ascending in power, the other would be subject to the more powerful. In other words, either Jacob would be under Esau’s feet or Esau would be underneath Jacob. Based on the prophecy we might conclude that, currently, Esau is the ascending power.

However the Bible is clear that, at the end of days, Edom and all of the enemies of Jacob will be put down and vanquished by the Messiah. In fact, the book of Obadiah, in its entirety, describes Edom’s destruction. And so at the end of days, as was prophesied in Genesis 25, “the older (Esau) shall serve the younger (Jacob)” and God will break down all the nations who assemble against the people of God. In short, victory will not come by their own might or power but by the Spirit of God and the return of the King.

When the “star” comes out of Jacob, He will rule over all the nations of the earth from Jerusalem, thus, Israel shall do “valiantly.” In that day, those who have oppressed God’s people will be overcome and humbled by the King of kings and LORD of lords and thus it is written: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Messiah; and He shall reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)

Blessings and Shalom,  




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