And it shall be that the rod of the man whom I choose will blossom; thus I will rid Myself of the complaints of the children of Israel, which they make against you. (Numbers 17:5)
In the aftermath of Korah’s rebellion and the subsequent complaints coming from the people, the tribes were instructed to present the rod of their respective prince before the LORD in the Tabernacle. Once and for all, God intended to settle the issue of who He had chosen as His priest. Simply put, the rod that produced blossoms would belong to the one He had chosen. Of course, the significance of this sign was not really stated emphatically, albeit hinted at — these rods had been cut off from a tree and, consequently, were incapable of producing blossoms without Divine intervention.
The Bible tells us that on the following day Moses went into the tabernacle to discover that, not only had the rod of Aaron budded and blossomed, but had also produced ripe almonds. In the Presence of the Almighty, this dead stick came to life and produced fruit, signifying that, without a doubt, Aaron was the chosen High Priest. Furthermore, it demonstrated that God chooses those who produce fruit and that He, alone, is capable of bringing forth life from something that is cut off and presumed dead.
There are legends in Judaism that speak of things which were “dead” nevertheless growing and producing fruit in the Temple. There are legends that say when God descended upon Mount Sinai in the wilderness, the barren mountain burst forth into life, producing greenery and fruit bearing trees. All of these legends point us to a truth — In Him there is life, and nothing is so dead that it is beyond redemption.
So the point, today, is that which is presumed dead is resurrected when in the Presence of the Almighty. Our circumstances may say there is no hope and that we are cut off, but in Him, life and restoration is always in our future. The key, however, is we must be in His Presence. So let us determine to approach Him in humility and brokenness that we may be ushered into His Presence and be made whole.
Blessings and Shalom,
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