Good Morning.
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Make two silver trumpets for yourself; you shall make them of hammered work; you shall use them for calling the congregation and for directing the movement of the camps.” (Numbers 10:1-2)
Distinguished from the shofar, or ram’s horn, these two silver trumpets were used for functions such as summoning the congregation or the princes of the tribes. They were also used to announce the movements of the camp and rally the army in times of war. So in spite of what we may have learned from Cecil B. DeMille, it was the silver trumpets, not the shofar, that were sounded when it was time for the camp to move out and journey to the next destination.
That the trumpets were made of silver connects these trumpets to the notion of redemption, (silver is thematically equivalent to redemption, e.g. Numbers 18:16). In other words, the sounding of the silver trumpets suggests that the movement of the camp was part of the redemptive process. The journey started in Egypt with the redemption that came at Passover but the process of redemption carried them through the wilderness, and into its’ fruition, when they crossed into Canaan. So let that sink in — the journey was part of the redemptive process and each movement was preceded with the sounding of silver trumpets.
The point I glean from this is, our every step has been orchestrated by the Father and is engineered to bring us into the fruition of our calling. It might look slightly different in circumstances when compared to others but the goal remains the same — He walks us through our wilderness in order to bring us into our destiny. And as He compels us to move, He has a way of announcing, “It’s time” — it’s time to move from this season to the next so that the process of redemption can do its’ work in us.
Perhaps you are “resting in camp” at the moment waiting on the LORD. But when the trumpets sound that it’s time to break camp, remember that, as you go into the unknown, all of your steps have been ordered of the LORD. Remain faithful and He will lead you into your ultimate destination.
Blessings and Shalom,
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