Good Morning.
It came to pass on the eighth day that Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel. (Leviticus 9:1)
The “eighth day” that is referred to here is the eighth day after the beginning of the consecration of the priests. Aaron and his sons had been inaugurated into the priesthood, and part of that process required for them to remain within the Sanctuary for seven days. At the end of that seven days, Moses called them, along with the elders of Israel, to gather for something very important. It was, in a sense, a new beginning.
There are other significant “eighth day” events recorded for us in Scripture. For example, a male child was to be circumcised on the eighth day; a leper healed of his affliction was to bring a special offering on the eighth day. The very last day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) was the eighth day and was regarded as a holy convocation. All of these significant events have a common theme — like the priesthood, it was the beginning of a new season in life. It was a new beginning.
Ultimately, the Eighth Day points us to the time after the Millennial Reign and after the Judgement that occurs immediately afterwards. At the beginning of this era, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, thus initiating a time many call “eternity.” In a sense, it will be the Eighth Day — a new beginning. What a glorious time that will be and is something that all of God’s people should look forward to. However, I would contend that, to some degree, we have been given a taste of that now. All who have been born again are regarded as a “new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17) because the old has passed away and all things are made new.
In a sense, we are already in our Eighth Day. However, there are many others who have not yet experienced this new beginning and it, therefore, falls to us to inspire them to seek for it. Our calling as priests is not only to minister to God but, as His representatives, minister to those who are seeking for Him. We who have experienced this new beginning can be the spark for a new beginning in others. Let us then renew our efforts to be a faithful witness and ambassador of the resurrected Messiah that others may become a “new creation.”
Blessings and Shalom,
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