Good Morning.
According to all that the Lord had commanded Moses, so the children of Israel did all the work. Then Moses looked over all the work, and indeed they had done it; as the Lord had commanded. (Exodus 39:42-43)
Something very important is amplified in these verses and that is God expects us to do the work. The pattern for the Sanctuary came from Him; the materials that were supplied for the different components ultimately came from Him. The talent and wisdom given to the different craftsmen came from Him. The purpose of it all originated with the Almighty — but the work necessary to make the Sanctuary a reality fell to God’s people to perform. So it is, in this manner, that God invites His people to participate in His work.
Some are of the opinion that when God rested on the 7th day of Creation that He stopped working. Some people went so far as to develop a theology based on this misconception which is commonly referred to as Deism. In short, God got things started and then went on vacation leaving everything to man to handle. Then there are those who feel that what we do has no bearing on the work of the Kingdom at all — God is going to do it all however He wishes. While I certainly agree that God is sovereign and His agenda will prevail over all others, I also strongly believe that He most often performs His will through His people.
For instance, through the prophet Amos, God pledged to restore the fallen tabernacle of David and “repair its breaches” (Amos 9:11). This prophecy speaks of restoring the kingdom of Israel under the Messiah whereby the people of God will be one people under one King. The breaches referred to is the division that has come about among God’s people through centuries of strife, contention and disunity. God said that He will repair this breach. How will He do it? In Isaiah, the prophet describes a day when His people will return to Him with sincerity and humility and whose light “will break forth as the morning” (Isaiah 58:8). These are the ones that God says will be called “The Repairer of the Breach” (Isaiah 59:12).
The point is this: God repairs the breaches and He restores the kingdom but how? Obviously He can do whatever He wants whenever He wants however He wants. It seems that, from the beginning of time, He has desired to perform His will through His people. He gives us the pattern, the tools and the talent to do it but also gives us the responsibility to see that His will is performed. Frankly, our mission to make disciples of all nations plays a role in repairing the breach and raising up the fallen tabernacle. He is most certainly performing the work but He is working through you and me. Let us, then, be willing and available vessels.
Blessings and Shalom,
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