Good Morning.
Then everyone came whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering for the work of the tabernacle of meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments. (Exodus 35:21)
When it came to “funding” the Sanctuary, Moses didn’t have to ply the people with smooth words or exact a levy. Furthermore, I can’t imagine that there was an oversized thermometer outside of his tent to plot their giving progress either. It seems that his approach to this undertaking was as simple as this: God told them to build His house and all those who were supportive of this effort needed to get involved.
His simple but direct words stirred many hearts and motivated a great number, not necessarily all, to bring their different offerings. Willingly they brought the gold, silver, cloth, dyes and other materials necessary to make the Sanctuary a reality. It eventually reached the point that Moses had to tell them, “Enough!” Can you imagine that kind of motivation and participation in this day and time? If not, why not?
Obviously, the children of Israel had motivations that we do not necessarily appreciate so long removed from their situation. They had just come through the awful events that surrounded the Golden Calf and the drama that accompanied Moses to the top of the mountain to learn if God would, indeed, continue to go with them. No, we don’t necessarily share the same motivation they may have had but we should, nevertheless, be motivated just as earnestly to be about our Father’s business. Why?
Because we are living in the days that the prophets have foretold. We are anticipating the return of the Messiah and must use the gifts, resources and energy He has entrusted to us to “build His house.” May it be that our hearts are “stirred” and our spirits “willing” to do all we can to further His purpose in the earth. And as we do, let us keep our eyes fixed on the heavens for the return of our King. Only when that happens will our efforts be found to be “Enough!”
Blessings and Shalom,
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