Good Morning.
And Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people do to you that you have brought so great a sin upon them?”…Moses saw that the people were unrestrained (for Aaron had not restrained them, to their shame among their enemies). (Exodus 32:21, 25)
Notice the Bible is clear that it was Aaron who had not restrained the people prompting Moses to ask him what it was the people did to you? In other words, Moses held Aaron accountable, at least to some extent, for what had happened. True, it was the people who incited the notion of creating an idol of gold to lead them, but it was Aaron who stepped aside and let it happen. The one who would be priest – to bear the sins of people – brought sin upon them. Aaron’s response tries to lay the greater blame on the people, citing their insistence on doing evil, but this fact remains — Aaron didn’t resist and the people broke out into rebellions.
To say they broke out is to say that there were boundaries and Aaron was expected to defend those boundaries. Instead, he let them loose. Thus we learn that, it is potentially dangerous to appease or please people by relaxing biblical standards and the boundaries designed to restrain man’s evil inclination. It’s like the old saying: “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.” No truer words have ever been spoken because this goes to heart of man’s carnal inclination — it can never be satisfied therefore it must be crucified.
It is part of our responsibility as God’s people to make sure the boundaries He has established are respected and, when necessary, defended. Whether we are the head of a family, congregation or business, as Hie representatives, we must uphold the banner of truth and, by our commitment to obedience, restrain those who would do evil especially when wickedness rears its head within the Body. Most importantly, we must make sure those boundaries are evident in our own lives. We must restrain the evil inclination within ourselves which is why we must know the Word, live the Word and be resigned to crucify our flesh daily.
Blessings and Shalom,
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