Good Morning.
According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall make it. (Exodus 25:9)
We understand from Scripture that Moses received the pattern of the Sanctuary when he ascended the mountain to confer with the Almighty. So then, if he was given the pattern for the earthly tabernacle, it should be presumed that the earthly was a reflection of the heavenly. In fact, there is ample evidence to conclude that this is exactly what Moses was given and, in fact, he may have seen the heavenly Throne Room itself. That conclusion is based on the belief that when God descended upon Sinai, He was seated upon His Throne surrounded by the heavenly courtiers. Thus God, on Sinai, dwelt in a Sanctuary He had made (Horeb) and gave instructions for a tabernacle in which He would dwell that would Israel would make.
All of this is to say that God provides us patterns that teach us of His character and His Will. From the beginning when He said, “Let there be light,” His Word to us establishes patterns for how we are to live our life as well as how this life on earth will unfold for all of mankind. Being a reflection of the heavenly, the earthly Sanctuary teaches us of how we are to approach a Holy God and, most importantly, how Yeshua afforded us that opportunity.
Consequently, it is incumbent upon us to follow the patterns that He has established. Our God is a God of order and structure, hence the many patterns we see in His Word. As His people, it is important that we follow the pattern so that our efforts to represent Him in this world faithfully reflect who and what He is. In short, we have a role to play in seeing that His Will is done “on earth as it is in Heaven.” Just as He told Moses, He also charges us with the mission to do what He said the way He said to do it. May His Will for you and your life be clearly revealed and may you always follow the pattern.
Blessings and Shalom,
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