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Good Morning.

In the third month after the children of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on the same day, they came to the Wilderness of Sinai. For they had departed from Rephidim, had come to the Wilderness of Sinai, and camped in the wilderness. So Israel camped there before the mountain. (Exodus 19:1-2)

In Judaism, Israel’s arrival at Mount Sinai and the subsequent events, specifically the giving of the Torah, is considered to be the climax of the Exodus experience. The Bible validates this belief because it is clear that, even before God brought them out of Egyptian bondage, it had already been determined that He would bring them to Mount Sinai that they may “serve” Him (Exodus 3:12). The day upon which all these things culminated, Shavuot (Christians know it as Pentecost) is called an atzeret, which is to signify that it was the conclusion of what began at Passover.  

This was the day that, according to Judaism, God gave His people the Ten Commandments and instructions on how to live life. In other words, the goal of Passover was more than delivering them from an oppressor; it was that they might come to the realization that God was their King and they were His people. As such, they were live according to His standards and, consequently, be an example to the other nations in the world of what a Godly people are to be. Otherwise, they would have devolved into something akin to what they were familiar with in Egypt. Thus the Bible teaches, in a manner of speaking, that liberty without law will likely result in lawlessness. 

Likewise, the crucifixion of Messiah at Passover would have served no purpose if He had not been raised from the dead three days later. In turn, the resurrection is what made the events recorded in the book of Acts possible, specifically those events recorded in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost. Just as Israel’s release from Egyptian bondage made the journey to Sinai and the proposal of the covenant possible, the death, burial and resurrection of Messiah is what makes it possible for us to be filled with the Spirit of God who then teaches us how we are to walk. That is to say, it is the Spirit of God who gives us discernment, understanding and the power to fulfill our purpose as His people. 

To be saved from our sins is only the first step; that’s why it is referred to as being born again. There is so much more God has in store for us and that is why we must be empowered by His Spirit. May we all be emptied of ourselves that we may be filled with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to teach us of His ways that we might walk upright before Him.

Blessings and Shalom,  






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