Good Morning.
Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord, and spoke, saying: “I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!” (Exodus 15:1)
Rabbinical commentators define this song — the song of Moses — as a profound and spiritual phenomenon. When you read it very closely you will see that seemingly unrelated and contradictory events are melded into a comprehensible whole. Also, it becomes obvious that, at that moment, Moses and Israel understood things as never before. It is said, the maidservant at the Red Sea understood more than some later prophets. They had prophetic insight into God’s purposes from the beginning of the redemptive process until then. For instance, the song mentions the reaction of the Canaanites to the splitting of the sea; the question is, how would they have known?
It is very interesting to consider that, at the moment of their liberation from Pharaoh, once and for all, that God infused them with the spirit of prophecy and the ability to understand things by the Spirit, so much so that they could know what the nations were thinking without consulting with them. It is interesting because, as we know, there is coming a day when we will be delivered, once and for all. In that day this mortal will put on immortal and corruption will be transformed into incorruptible. Will it be that at that moment we are infused by the Spirit of God with the understanding of things that today are mystery?
The Bible tells us that those who triumph over the Beast will stand upon the Sea of Glass, with harps in hand, and sing the Song of Moses AND the Song of the Lamb. Those who are blessed to sing this song know that His ways are just and true. They know that He alone is holy. No doubt, much more will be known in that day because we will not be limited to the confines of this existence. I look forward to discovering all that the Creator has in store for His people in that day.
At the same, we understand that there is more to learn in this life. There are mysteries to be understood that don’t require waiting until that day but are to be discerned in this existence as we look to our Teacher and Guide, the Holy Spirit. As Paul said, it has not even entered into our hearts and minds, all of the good things God has prepared for those who love Him. Let us seek His face and search His Word for those great and glorious blessings that He has entrusted to us.
Blessings and Shalom,
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