Good Morning.
The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. (Exodus 15:2)
As we continue to look at the Song of Moses, two things are worth noting in this verse. First of all, there is the acknowledgement that God is our salvation. That is important because the Hebrew word for salvation is yeshuah. That is, of course, the Hebrew name given to the Messiah and thus there is the hint that the Messiah was there at the crossing of the sea — not in the way He was with the disciples when He walked the earth but He was there.
In fact, there is a hint of prophecy in their statement because they sang, “He has become my Yeshuah.” As far as I’m concerned, that speaks to the fact that, in the appointed time, God would take on the form of flesh as Yeshua of Nazareth. Remember from yesterday’s devotion, it is believed that at the crossing of the sea, Moses and the people were given spiritual insight into things that had not yet happened.
The second notable thing we see in this verse is the declaration that the God of our fathers is “my God.” Yes, He is the God our fathers served and who blessed their lives as He has blessed mine. The point is, nevertheless, He is not some God who is far removed from our lives, existing only in the stories passed down to us by our ancestors. He is our God; He is moving in our lives and demonstrating His power and might to us. In fact, where the Exodus generation is concerned, it was to them that the promises made to their fathers was fulfilled.
Many of us have heard of the miraculous stories of God’s provision and deliverance passed down from previous generations. While these stories are inspiring and faith building, I believe that this generation will see things that go beyond what we have heard from the past. In other words, I believe that God will demonstrate to this generation that He is not just the God of our fathers but that He is my God. He has become my salvation and will deliver me from my situation. As the Psalmist declared, “Your faithfulness endures to all generations” (Psalm 119:90).
Blessings and Shalom,
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