Good Morning.
And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it. Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire. (Exodus 12:7-8)
So much of the ancient Passover is seen in the crucifixion of the Messiah which is why I highly recommend that believers observe this feast — it is enriching as well as enlightening. For instance, the animal had to be roasted over a fire without being divided into pieces – in other words, whole with no broken bones. Even the entrails had to be roasted with the carcass, wrapped around the head.
Furthermore, the blood from the lamb was captured in a basin that was situated at the doors of their homes. It was then applied with the aid of a hyssop branch to the doorposts, at the top or head of door and the two side posts. The end result was that blood was at the head, sides and foot of their dwelling symbolizing the blood that would flow from the tortured body of Messiah.
Tradition suggests that the blood applied to the door was in the form of the Hebrew letter tav, which in its most ancient form resembled an X or a cross. Couple this with the fact that the blood, according to the Creator, was the sign or token that marked the household as being His people. Consequently, He would pass over that house, just as a hen would gather her chicks under her wings, and protect them from the Destroyer (Exodus 12:23). In other words, a bloody cross was the sign between Israel and the Almighty and menat deliverance for those who had obeyed His command.
All of these components of the Passover hinted at the suffering of the Messiah: they pierced His hands and feet and placed a crown of thorns upon His head. They thrust a spear into His side and all of this after they had beaten His body into a bloody pulp. Through it all, however, no bones were broken, emphasizing the fact that He was the Lamb of God. And as it was for Israel of old, it is the cross and the shed blood of Messiah that identifies us as His people. Likewise, those who have the blood applied to their lives can rest in the assurance that our Father passes over us and protects us from the Destroyer. It is he, the enemy of our souls, who is compelled to pass on by when he sees that the blood of Messiah covers us and delivers us from this world. For that we should all be eternally grateful.
Blessings and Shalom,
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