Good Morning.
Then Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” So the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord? Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say. (Exodus 4:10-12)
There seems to be a consensus among Bible scholars that Moses, most likely, had some type of speech impediment — the Hebrew translates literally as “heavy of speech and tongue.” Assuming that to be true, one could understand why he would have been hesitant to be a spokesperson for the Most High God and especially when before one of the most powerful men on earth at that time. Yet, the Almighty reminds him that it is He who made him the way he was — speech impediment and all.
The Bible tells us that God has “chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise” and “the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27). Moses would stand before one considered to be mighty in the world and upon whose crown was featured the symbol of man’s wisdom — the serpent. Before all was said and done, the power and wisdom of man would be in ruins because man stubbornly resisted the will of the Almighty.
The point is that we don’t have to be regarded as powerful or wise according to man’s standards in order to be used by God. To the contrary, it is probably better that we aren’t considered such by man for that would suggest that we lack the humility and spiritual keenness needed in order to perform God’s will in our lives. Moreover, we must always remember that it is the Spirit of God in us that does the work; it is He who will give us the wisdom and power we need to perform our Father’s will. As Messiah said:
“Do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 10:19-20)
Regardless of our physical or skill limitations, God is able to use any of us as long as we are willing to let Him have His way. Let’s not use man’s standard to gauge how, if or when He will use us; let us trust that the One who made us — with all of our warts and flaws — knows exactly what He is doing in our lives. If we have confidence in Him and a willingness to obey, there is no enemy that can stand against God’s people.
Blessings and Shalom,
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