Good Morning.
“I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel whom the Egyptians keep in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant.” (Exodus 6:5)
In spite of what is happening around us, we should never give up on the belief that God will do what He has promised to do. We must be diligent to guard against feelings of defeat and hopelessness when our miracle doesn’t occur when or how we think it should. To begin with, we are in covenant with the Most High and that covenant is not broken even when one of the parties is proven to be undeserving. Obviously, we are the ones who are undeserving of His grace, nevertheless, He never gives up on us.
Just like it was with the children of Israel, in the past, we have allowed the culture to affect us more than we have affected the culture and now, lo and behold, the culture is turning an evil eye towards God’s people. But when we begin to cry out, “Save us!” our Father will respond. The outcry of the people of Israel, asking God to deliver them from Egypt, is what initiated the redemptive process. Their cries are what prompted Him to say, “I have remembered my covenant.”
It wasn’t that He forgot the covenant — He is the Almighty God; things don’t slip His mind. The Hebrew word translated as “remember” means to take action for the sake of something or someone. In other words, their cries, in conjunction when the timing of their oppression, ignited a series of events whereby God started moving on their behalf. Likewise, if and when we begin to cry out, I believe He will “remember the covenant” made with us through the Messiah and will begin to act on our behalf. These are truly the days of redemption.
Blessings and Shalom,
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