Good Morning.
But when she could no longer hide him, she took a basket of bulrushes for him, daubed it with asphalt and pitch, put the child in it, and laid it in the reeds by the river’s bank. (Exodus 2:3)
One can only imagine the distress Jochebed must have been experiencing as she prepared this basket for her infant son. After three months, he had grown too big and too active to hide from the outside world any longer. Thus she began to do what she knew to do trusting God to take care of the rest. As she carefully constructed the basket, no doubt, she prayed that the Almighty would guide her hands as she worked and that He would watch over her darling son.
The Hebrew word translated as “basket” is same word translated as “ark” in the story of Noah. In fact, this is the only other time this particular word is used. Therefore, the Hebrew text compels us to make the comparison between the two. Like Noah with the ark, she coated it within and without with pitch in an effort to keep it afloat so that the precious cargo would be safe. And like Noah and those with him, God would indeed safely guide this ark to its intended destination.
There are so many things to glean from this story; one of them is this: there comes a time when we must trust God with those we love the most. Most of us who are parents readily admit that our greatest weakness is our children. By that I mean, if we feel our children are in danger our greatest fears come rising to the surface. Considerations for their welfare and future is an area of life where we often fall short when it comes to trusting our heavenly Father. We think that we can do a better job by virtue of the fact that we are extremely hesitant to let go and allow God to guide their path.
Jochebed demonstrated an incredible faith in God to set her infant son afloat upon the river not being certain what would become of him. Likewise, we must allow the One who is a greater Parent to our children than we can be to lead and guide them through life. We must have a confidence that if we are faithful, obedient and intent to tend to His business, He will take care of what is precious to us. Remember, because of Noah’s faithfulness, his entire family was saved. Because of Jochebed’s willingness to trust God, Israel’s deliverer was reared in the very house of the man who wanted him dead. In time, the infant who was lovingly placed in a basket and sent away would lead all of God’s people out of bondage and into freedom.
Blessings and Shalom,
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