Good Morning.
So Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions there and grew and multiplied exceedingly. (Genesis 47:21-27)
Not only did God orchestrate a plan whereby His people had a place to live, but the land they acquired was a springboard for further growth and prosperity. It is understood that they acquired possessions including property in Egypt. So while the Egyptians were selling themselves to Pharaoh in exchange for provision and protection in a time of famine, the Hebrews prospered.
I don’t think this exclusively due to who they were but was because of what they were. In other words, their genealogy alone did not secure these blessings but the fact that, as a people, they lived a very different kind of life than the Egyptians; they lived a set-apart life. They lived a life that was defined for them by the One and Only God. To live according to His standards put them on the path to prosperity even when others were struggling to keep their head above water.
Thus we understand that God’s ways and instructions for living are not a bunch of dos and don’ts designed to limit life; His commandments are designed to preserve and enhance life. There is an inherent blessing within those things that He tells us to do as well as the things He tells us we should not do. Based on the what we read here concerning Israel, it would also seem that our environment — whether good or bad, abundance or lack — doesn’t determine whether we will prosper or not. God is able to prosper those who are walking in obedience regardless of the economic circumstances in which they find themselves.
The times in which we live are uncertain and it could be that trouble is ahead. Nevertheless, if we will listen to His voice and heed what He says, we don’t have to fear the future. If we walk faithfully according to His instructions we can overcome any circumstance because we serve the God who, as David said, will “prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies.”
Blessings and Shalom,
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