Good Morning.
“And behold, your eyes and the eyes of my brother Benjamin see that it is my mouth that speaks to you. So you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that you have seen; and you shall hurry and bring my father down here.” (Genesis 45:12-13)
It bears reminding that, as far as Joseph’s brothers were concerned, their brother — long presumed dead — was in effect resurrected before their eyes. With this statement, Joseph is assuring them that what was considered impossible was actually happening. Yes, they were seeing their brother with their eyes and were hearing his voice with their ears. He called attention to the fact that he was speaking to them directly in Hebrew and not through an interpreter.
By telling them to go and inform their father that he is alive, Joseph essentially ordained them as his witnesses — “Go tell my father of all my glory.” Once again we see the connection to the Messiah in that He told His disciples that they were to be His witnesses and were to report to world of His glory. That was the mission given to those two thousand years ago and it remains the mission today.
Sometimes we can get caught up in the business of life and of ministry for that matter and lose sight of why we’re here. As followers of Messiah we are daily charged with the commission to be witnesses of the resurrected Messiah. Of course, we have to make a living and meet other obligations, but in the course of fulfilling those duties we must live lives that honor Him and make others want to know Him. Each day, we are given opportunity to tell others of all His glory; may we never fail to do so.
Blessings and Shalom,
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