Good Morning.
Also God said to him: “I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body. The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I give to you; and to your descendants after you I give this land.” (Genesis 35:11-12)
The Hebrew word translated as “God Almighty” is El Shaddai which is understood to mean, the “All Sufficient One.” It is He who promised the land that would bear Jacob’s new name — Israel — from what would become the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This area remains the most hotly contested piece of real estate in the world and is at the heart of the Mid East controversy. In my view, because the Almighty has set His name there, the Adversary has consistently tried everything to wrest control of it from God’s people.
However, the God of Israel is the “All Sufficient One” and has promised this land to the descendants of Jacob and will keep His promise. For many centuries it seemed that the Adversary had been successful in usurping Israel’s right to this property, but the land cannot be extricated from the covenant made with Abraham and his seed, and God will not break His covenant.
Where you and I are concerned, it is important to remember that we, through the Messiah have come into this covenant and are therefore partakers of this covenant of promise (Galatians 3:29). Furthermore, we must hold onto the promises that He has made to us as individuals regardless of what the Adversary throws at us. Though, at times, we struggle with believing that He will bring to pass what He has promised, the All Sufficient One says that His grace is sufficient to see us through those weak moments. Hang on to Him through it all.
Blessings and Shalom,
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