Good Morning.
So Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field, to his flock, and said to them, “I see your father’s countenance, that it is not favorable toward me as before; but the God of my father has been with me. And you know that with all my might I have served your father.” (Genesis 31:4-6)
There are two very important principles revealed here. First of all, in spite of all that had befallen Jacob (not all of which was bad), Jacob acknowledged that the God of Abraham had been with him. It is one thing to go through an ordeal but it is another thing entirely when you know that you know God is with you as you endure it. He may not remove the thorn from your flesh but He assures you that His grace is sufficient to see you through the situation.
The second important principle mentioned here is the fact that, in spite of being abused, accused and cheated, Jacob did what he had committed to do with enthusiasm and excellence. He did not use Laban’s offenses as justification to slack off or skim off the top; he performed his tasks as we all should — as unto the LORD. In other words, he did these things, not necessarily out of devotion to Laban, but out of devotion to God. An honorable person will do what is right regardless of what everyone else is doing for integrity’s sake and because he knows that God is keeping accounts.
If we follow Jacob’s example, we can expect that God will exalt us to places where we will be given greater responsibility in His Kingdom. If He can trust us to do what is right in small matters, He will grant us the opportunity to serve in bigger things. Remember the parable of the talents: the master took everything away from the wicked and lazy servant but rewarded those who served him faithfully with honor and more responsibility. Be blessed.
Blessings and Shalom,
This evening I stumbled upon your Sukkot Morning Devotions for Friday, and then also for Thursday. I had looked for your Sukkot on earlier days but could not find it. On Thurs, you all gathered around that precious lady who had lost her nephew and you all loved on her, and prayed for her. She sang “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” with such a beautiful voice. I can see the glory of the Lord in what you all did as His body. It blessed me as I felt the unity and drank in the love, which, to me, is living water.