Good Morning.
And Abraham called the name of the place, “The-Lord-Will-Provide”; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” (Genesis 22:14)
Were you to read this verse in Hebrew, it would say that Abraham called the place, “Yahweh Yireh” which has also been translated as “The Lord will be seen.” There is no doubt that Abraham saw something (or someone) as he made his way to Moriah because, as we have mentioned previously, what he saw gave him confidence that the Lord would “provide Himself the lamb.” Thus, Yahweh Yireh can also be understood to say, “Yahweh, He will see to it.”
Abraham was confident that God would see to it that everything He had ordained to come to pass through Abraham and Isaac would be fulfilled. In so doing, the Lord “will be seen” — at least in the sense that all know would recognize His handiwork. We should keep in mind that this occurred in the place that the Temple would stand and, according to Jewish tradition, in the very spot where the Ark of the Covenant would rest. To this day, any believer who visits Jerusalem and views the Temple Mount can’t help but “see” the LORD. What He provided for Abraham so many years ago still resonates within all of us who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
On a more personal level, it should be noted that when we look back on our lives and recount the many times God has provided for us, His handiwork is seen. Moreover, if we are faithful to bear witness to His goodness and faithfulness, others will “see” the Lord in and through our lives. Through us others can know that “Yahweh will see to it” if they are willing to answer His call.
Blessings and Shalom,
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