Good Morning.
This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Genesis 6:9-10)
Like his ancestor Enoch, Noah was one of very few people who the Bible explicitly says, “walked with God.” Notice that immediately after this it said he fathered three sons, from whom all the nations of the earth would spring from. There is a very important concept hinted at in these words.
First of all, everyone who is breathing owes a debt of gratitude to Noah; were it not for his obedience, theoretically speaking, none of us would have ever lived. Noah preached for at least 100 years, and yet, only seven other people joined him on the ark. And so by today’s standards, Noah would not have been considered to be very affective. However, billions of people have lived because He “walked with God” demonstrating the far reaching affects of our faithfulness to God. There is no telling how many people are depending on all of us to “walk with God.”
That outreach begins at home; Noah didn’t convince the masses to get on the ark but he was successful in making sure that his family did. Likewise, it is important to remember that our first priority outside of our Creator is the family He created for us. Our faithfulness to Him should be observable to those who are the closest to us. It is through our children that we do our part to propagate the truth of God’s Word. That is one of the reasons we are instructed to teach God’ Word to our children:
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
There is no guarantee that our children will turn out the way we have hoped or the way God intended for them. But there is a very good chance they won’t follow God if we don’t do what is required of us — teach them His ways from an early age so that when they grow older, they will not depart from it.
Blessings and Shalom,
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