Good Morning.
And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18)
In the beginning, God determined that for mankind to fulfill their purpose, there had to be two genders — male and female. Though both of the same species, they were nevertheless quite different; you might even say opposites. Thus we understand that in order to fulfill the purpose of being husband and wife — to be “fruitful and multiply” — required the union to be one of male and female; two of the same could never render the same results.
We live in a day when mankind has decided to overrule the Creator’s judgment on this issue. Courts have decided that two of the same gender are to be regarded as equal to man and wife as God ordained. Courts are currently hearing arguments from those who suppose they are one gender even though they were not born that way. Some people in this world have even claimed to be no gender at all, and the disturbing part of that is, many people are buying into this nonsense.
It is incumbent upon God’s people to stay true to what our Father established in the beginning — not with belligerence toward others, but with a commitment to represent His truth to this world. When culture is determined to do what is right in their own eyes, we must be just as determined to do what is right in our Father’s eyes. Let your light shine!
Blessings and Shalom,
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