Good Morning.
And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” (Genesis 3:9-11-12)
When asked a direct question, Adam chose not to answer it. Instead, he attempted to avoid the real issue, refusing to bring up the fact that he had eaten from the tree he was told to avoid. Again, the God who knows all, knew exactly what Adam had done but, nevertheless, gave him an opportunity to confess. Adam didn’t confess the sin but tried to “pass the buck” by stating, “The woman YOU gave me brought me to this.” And so, in Adam, we can see where we all obtained the inherent trait of blaming our troubles on everyone but ourselves.
In fact, it seems that Adam, in a roundabout way, was deflecting responsibility off of him and onto God. In other words, it sounds as if he was implying that, because the woman had been given to him as a help mate, he assumed she was helping him. But the Bible makes it clear that the real issue was this: Eve was deceived, Adam was not.
And so it is, when confronted with our failure, one sin often leads to another. Where Adam was concerned, he made the matter worse by attempting to conceal the real issue — he knew exactly what he was doing when he took the fruit and ate it. And so we must ask, what would have happened had he confessed his failure and expressed contrition? In turn, the question leads to this observation: sin isn’t mankind’s biggest problem!
The bigger issue is man’s unwillingness to acknowledge our sin. Un-confessed sin can’t be forgiven; un-confessed sin can’t be overcome. Therefore, we must be quick to take responsibility for our failures and be just as quick to seek forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. He confronts us with our sin, not to embarrass or humiliate, but to give us opportunity to acknowledge that we are in need of His mercy. May we always be as humble to confess our shortcomings as He is to forgive us of our sins.
Blessings and Shalom,
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