Good Morning.
“The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” (Genesis 2:8)
Any one who has ever gardened successfully understands that it is wise to plan what to plant, where to plant and when to plant; haphazard gardening doesn’t always work out so well. The fact that someone would plant a garden, in the first place, suggests forethought and the desire to fulfill a specific purpose.
In this passage we see that the Creator has an interest in gardening and, thus we presume, took these matters into careful consideration. He planted His garden in a place called Eden, loosely translated as “paradise,” and so we should conclude that He did so in order to fulfill a predetermined purpose. Furthermore, it is important for us to consider that, from the beginning, the Creator expresses Himself through things associated with the ground — trees, plants, gardens, etc — as opposed to those things associated with the city and all that goes along with it. In other words, He most often teaches us through things associated with farming and gardening — tilling, sowing and harvesting.
So we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that His Word is likened to a seed that, once embedded in good ground, will produce fruit — “some thirtyfold, some sixty and some a hundred” (Mk 4:8). You and I, created from the dust of the earth, are to be that good ground and, thus, recipients of this Good Seed that we may produce its fruit in abundance. Therefore, let us break up the hardness of our heart that our lives might be good, fallow ground, ready to receive the Good Seed into our lives.
Blessings and Shalom,
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