Good Morning.
“The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” (Genesis 2:8)
In the previous devotion we mentioned how important it is to plan for what is to be sown in a garden. We emphasized how the Creator expresses Himself through the process of planting and growing. In this same verse we also see how the Creator appointed the man to participate in this process.
The Hebrew word translated as “put” actually means to “appoint” or “position.” In other words, once He had formed the man and breathed life into him, he appointed him to the garden for a specific purpose demonstrating that, from the beginning, God intended that His people be participants in His plan for this world.
That has not changed; He still chooses to work in the earth through His people. We have been appointed to be laborers in His work for this particular time in history. Whoever we are, and wherever we are, we must realize that we have been positioned to perform a specific function in the Body so that His perfect Will may be performed in the earth. Let’s all make certain to remain steadfast in that position that His will is fulfilled in our lives.
Blessings and Shalom,
Do you have any information about why Cain is not in Jesus genealogy?
Yes. Because Seth is where the line begins, running through Abraham, David and on to Messiah. Cain’s line was destroyed in the flood. Shalom.