Shalom everyone.
I wanted to share some thoughts with you about the current crisis the entire world now finds itself in. When I consider just how quickly the world has changed in the last few weeks, I can’t help but consider a few verses of Scripture that seem to apply to our situation. The first thing I think of is what is written in Haggai 2 and then elaborated upon in Hebrews 12. The prophet Haggai wrote:
“For thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land and I will shake all nations.” (Haggai 2:6-7)
The writer of Hebrews, quoting this, said:
“Now this, ‘Yet once more,’ indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.” (Hebrews 12:27)
It seems obvious to me that God is shaking all nations; everything that men had been busy building has, to a large degree, come to a halt. Everything we have placed our confidence in is being tested to see whether or not it will be able to withstand the impact created by this invisible bug. It is as if the Creator has pushed the “Pause” button on everything and, as in Genesis 11 and the confusion of the languages, allowing the nations of this world to flail about in confusion. Might it be that, as is was in the building of Babylon’s tower, there are those in this world who were planning something so detrimental to mankind — above and beyond their normal wickedness — that the Creator decided to intervene? Something to think about.
Here is something else to think about — what is He saying to us at this time? I can’t help but think that He is sending a message to His people in the midst of this crisis. Consider the story of Noah and what befell the world that was. Most importantly, consider what those days meant to the remnant of righteous souls who heeded His warning.
“And they went into the ark to Noah, two by two, of all flesh in which is the breath of life. So those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the Lord shut him in.”
I’ve always found it fascinating that “the LORD shut him in.” We’re not told how that was accomplished in a mechanical sense, but we are made to understand that God saw to it, personally, that the door was closed. It is thus inferred that once God closed the door, no one could open it.
In other words, time had run out for anyone who had heard and disregarded the warnings being preached by Noah. We know that our God is long suffering, not willing that any should perish but we also know that there is a time when He must act for the sake of His purpose and for the righteous. Once the door is shut, the opportunity that had been presented for restoration and blessing is closed.
In the parable of the ten virgins we see a similar theme. Remember all of them had lamps containing oil. The wise also had extra vessels containing oil; the foolish did not. All went to sleep waiting for the bridegroom’s call that was delayed. Upon hearing the call at midnight, all awoke, but the foolish discovered that they didn’t have enough oil to make the journey in the darkness. They were compelled to go purchase oil in the middle of the night from merchants who had long before closed their shops. While they were doing this, the bridegroom came.
“And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ (Matthew 25:10-12)
Once again we see that, once the LORD has shut the door, it can’t be opened. That is a tragic thing to consider and so let us not be as those foolish virgins. Instead let us be like those in the congregation at Philadelphia. Because they had been faithful to keep God’s Word, Messiah told them:
“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. (Revelation 3:8)
Just as no one can open what God has shut, no one can shut the door that God has opened for His people. Here is my point: with all of my heart I believe that He is about to open doors for His people that will precipitate another Great Awakening. To lead others out of darkness and into the Light is why we are here. So let us do, today, what we must, that we might be prepared to go through that open door while it is still available to us.
What I’m about to say, I don’t say claiming that I have heard from the LORD directly, but I say it because this is what I sense — so make of it what you will. Here goes: I don’t think that this pandemic is IT as in “the Big One.” I do believe it is another in a steadily growing number of birth pains that are going to be coming more frequently and impacting our lives more intensely as we move closer to the return of the Messiah. And so consider this:
“So He destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground: both man and cattle, creeping thing and bird of the air. They were destroyed from the earth. Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive.”
When all was said and done, all that was left standing of the “world that then existed” (2 Peter 3:6) was Noah and his family. Why did God grant them such favor? I believe it is because they were, as Messiah put it, established upon the rock. The winds blew and the storm came but their “house” stood. Everyone else had chosen other things to build upon.
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock; and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.vBut everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.” (Matthew 7:24-27)
The writer of Hebrews tells us that there is coming a day when God will shake heaven and earth in order to distinguish that which is built on things eternal — metaphorically, the rock — from those thing that are built upon the sand. He goes on to say that:
“Since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” (Hebrews 12:28-29)
If we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and willing participants in His purpose, then we have joined ourselves to that which cannot fail. Therefore, we are admonished to serve God in a way that pleases Him, knowing that He is a consuming fire — He is the One who will consume those man-made institutions and philosophies that are not worthy of remaining. But like the fire that inhabited the burning bush in the wilderness, that which serves His purpose can withstand the consuming fire that is our God. It may be uncomfortable and it will, most definitely, purge the dross from our lives, but it will purify in the process.
Finally, if we were to continue into Hebrews 13, we see that there is something that will remain after this consuming fire has done its work. That which remains is “brotherly love” which is translated from the Greek term, philadelphia. So then, those attributes that we see Messiah acknowledge as being present in the congregation of Philadelphia are attributes that you and I must emulate. These are things that will withstand the things that are coming upon the earth. Brothers and sisters, our purpose has not changed just because our world has. Therefore, stand fast; stay the course and, “Look up; lift up your heads for your redemption is at hand.”
Blessings and Shalom,
Bill & Beth
Thanks Bill for your thoughts and the scriptures you shared. It is without question a different time in our history. Far too often we fail to see what is going on around us and realize what is happening. We become so desensitized to the world and its influence that we don’t get the big picture and we don’t view what is really happening in terms of the big picture. I know in my case I look back at certain things and think, why didn’t I see that or how could I be so foolish. I pray we can take this situation for a reminder to be ready, because far worse things are coming and we need to be prepared.
Thanks again,
Bill, thank you so much for your on time and profound words. At a time when so many are spouting all kinds of nonsense, your words were refreshing and left us with much to think about and ponder. Thank you for always being faithful.
Karen Messler
Karen; Thank you for those very kind words. They are much appreciated. Blessings.
Noah warned the people what was coming yet they ignored him. I find myself witnessing to people only to be ignored. Maybe this shaking will open their eyes, I hope so.
I believe you’re word from the Lord is spot on Bill ! This is a wake up call to the world. There is more on the way, more treacherous for those who will not turn from their wicked ways.
Shalom, Blue
Just keep speaking truth in love. Blessings.
Thanks Bill.
Appreciate your words.
What Donna and I are doing is praying Mizmor 91 and personalizing it for us and our family both near and far. The Almighty is in control, we need to focus on what we are to bring to the situation that images Him.
Shalom Shalom,
Richard and Donna; So good to hear from you. Blessings to you both. Hope to see you again, soon. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy. Shalom.
Thank you Bill god was telling me something similar I think all his people are hearing the same thing
Thank you, Bill, for the encouraging words! Blessings?
Barbara, Thank you for reading them. Blessings.
Thank you Bill for the awesome word‼️. I’ve been sensing that this is a time for believers to talk in seek the Lord with their whole heart and fill their lamps and make sure they’re filled to overflow for those around us who are fearfilled and don’t know Yeshua! Also, we have plenty oil in our lamps to make it through these up and coming days we’re now obviously in!
Bless you & your growing ☺️family, in Yeshua’s Name!
Maureen (James) Wingfield, Canada ??
James and Maureen; Blessings to you and thanks for the comments.
Thank you so very much for your wise, compassionate and loving words! I find what you have felt similar to mine. However, you wrote it far better than I! THANK YOU with love!??
Bless you, Doris. Shalom.
Thank you so much for this confirmation, delivered with a heart of compassion. I’ve personally heard God saying, “Hear (ME), Heed (MY WORD) and Obey (MY DIRECTIONS)”. Thus He wakes me often during the night. Since The WORD is timeless it reads like front page news, we’re living in a modern day chapter in living color and real time. When we’re born again everyday is an adventure, knowing we’re here for HIS will and good pleasure. Shalom!
Thank you, Cathy, for the confirmation you have provided for me. Blessings.
Prayers for all of you who are chosen to “stand in the place” for which our God has prepared you…for such a time as this. May His voice be heard and may you be quick to hear, quick to discern, and quick to respond.
Moving closer to a better understanding of my purpose in Him, His timing, and how I need to be prepared; cleaning out the old leaven….
Amen, Margaret. Thank you.
I think this is a good solid word. Thank you.
Thank you for posting more of God’s Word ? was looking online to find Scriptures that pertain to our present world situation. The news is very depressing and I was looking for what God is saying about what the world is going through now. Studying the Scriptures daily and finding that He has been warning us for a long time. Father God loves us and we have been turning away from Him. Many prayers ???? to get back to Him. This is the time to be on our knees before Him. Not just once in a while, but each day! Shalom!
I agree with all you are saying here. I do believe something bigger is going to take place. When? I do not know. But in my spirit I sense that what we are seeing are the beginning of the birth pains for Messiah’s return.
I am not, nor do I think you are down playing this covid-19. It hit hard when one of our sisters at Jacob’s Tent has a brother who has this virus and is in the hospital. This is too close to home. Then I have a younger daughter that may or may not have it. Because they do not have enough tests to test her, she cannot be tested.
These are both exciting and scary days….but through it all, my hope is in Yahshua, God’s Son. He is here with all of His people to see us through this or anything else that Satan wants to throw at us. For our God is greater and stronger than Satan, and He has already conquered the grave and Satan.
Amen, Candace and because He has conquered the grave, we have the promise that nothing shall separate us from His love. Shalomm.
I have been hearing the same things about “shaking” and “waking”. When we try to wake our children…several times…don’t we ultimately resort to a “great shaking” to really get them up and on their feet?
I’ve also been hearing ABBA whisper about the Ten Virgins. They were ALL asleep. Because of some trials Father God has brought our family through in the past 4 years…I am way more prepared for this time than I would have been. I can praise God for those trials…and for the ones ahead. THIS time, I believe, is God’s grace. He >is< shaking us to wake us up…so we can be ready for what is lying ahead. What a loving and merciful Father and King we serve! It's time to truly wake up and be found about Father's Business!
Excellent point.
Thank you for this, Bill. We realize that there is so much behind the scenes that we cannot see, both in the heavenly, and in our worldly leadership that is not revealed to us. We share your thoughts, and appreciate the scriptures that you shared. Blessings to you & Beth. ~ Craig & Annie
Craig and Annie; So good to hear from you and thank you for the comments. Praying for your family’s welfare and safety. Blessings and shalom.
Bill, this is the way that I see things, because I hear and listen to what is happening in the world, and know that when something is happening like this virus and this is all the world is talking about; All I can said is keep your eyes and ears open, because something is going on behind closed doors. And also watch what is happening in ROME; 5-14-2020 where the pope has called ALL LEADERS TO ROME TO SIGN A PACT; to EDUCATE THE WORLD. What could that pact be???
The illusionist always wants you to look at what he wants you to look at so you don’t see what’s he’s really up to.
Most every day I share your post ” On this day” and my friends and family are starting to warm up to some of the new facts they did not know. This one was very good to help them see the bigger picture. You are an awesome teacher of God’s Word. We appreciate you and Beth and are amazed at your humble hearts and willingness to put yourselves out on the frontline. We keep you in prayer.
Don and Penny
Don and Penny; thank you so much for the prayers and kind words. They mean more than you can realize. Shalom and blessings.
Thanks Bill,
I have heard in my Spirit recently that He is a fire to purify those that are His and judge the rebellious.
I pray that we will be faithful to be a light to those that habe open hearts and minds to Truth.
Noah warned the people what was coming yet they ignored him. I find myself witnessing to people only to be ignored. Maybe this shaking will open their eyes, I hope so.
This is a wake up call to the world. There is more on the way, more treacherous for those who will not turn from their wicked ways.
Shalom, Blue
Blue: I believe we are at the threshold of another Great Awakening. We shall see. Shalom.
As a family we were discussing why the 5 virgins who had extra oil did not say to the 5 who ran out, come share our light. The answer was, we can share many things in this life, but, our salvation cannot be shared, it must be the belief of each person that saves them. It’s like the old saying “You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink”. We so much enjoy being a part of Jacob’s Tent online since we are kind of alone in the wilderness in our area. A time like this is certainly when we need to remember who we are in Yeshua and where we came from. To be ready when He calls us to help those who cannot yet see and to help our fellow believers and to always be watchful. Thank you Bill for these insights and thoughts. We pray you, your family, the Jacob’s Tent family & the entire congregation of Elohim stay safe & connected.
Robert; Thank you so much for your thoughts on this subject and thanks for the words of encouragement. Blessings and Shalom.
IF this is the beginning of sorrows, God is still in control and that means I am in a controlled environment. I choose to look up!
In Yeshua’s name,