Ministry Update from Bill
Shalom everyone.
It’s been a while since I sent out an email — for that I apologize. So much has been happening so fast at Jacob’s Tent that Beth and I seldom have a chance to come up for air. We’re not complaining though — the Father’s is blessing our congregation immensely.
Shoreshim Ministries
At long last, our teaching In the Footsteps of Abraham: From Babylon to Moriah is available for purchase as a DVD. This teaching has been posted in the Premium Video section at for several weeks now, but finally, we have hard copies available for purchase in our store.
In this teaching series, Bill follows the life of Abraham and patterns established in his life’s story. Beginning with the call to come out of Babylon, his sojourn in Egypt and the ultimate test at Mount Moriah, Abraham’s journey teaches us what it means to be “a living sacrifice.” In this series Bill explores the principles gleaned from the many tests presented to Abraham and what is meant by doing the works of Abraham.
Included in this teaching:
- The significance of the korban.
- Why Ishmael’s birth may have been the result of fear.
- What did Abraham see on the third day?
- Isaac as a picture of the Messiah
- To order this new DVD go to
Beth and I certainly appreciate your support of Shoreshim Ministries. Your assistance has enabled us to continue producing teaching resources as well as allowing us to branch out and start Jacob’s Tent. As I’ve said before, even though the two ministries are separate entities, your continued support of Shoreshim plays a very important role in fulfilling our mission through both. One of the best ways that you can assist Shoreshim is by becoming a Premium subscriber at If you haven’t done that, we hope that you will give it prayerful consideration.
Update on Jacob’s Tent
For weeks now we have been at maximum capacity at Jacob’s Tent. We are hoping that, soon, we will be able to remove a wall that will allow us to seat another 40 – 50 people. We are using every square inch of space and aren’t sure how much longer this building will contain us. All in the Father’s time; until then we are blessed to have what He has given us and will be content with it until He moves us in another direction.
If you desire to support Jacob’s Tent, you may send gifts to PO Box 3904, Cleveland, TN 37320, made payable to “Jacob’s Tent.” Online donations for the congregation can be made at Remember: Jacob’s Tent and Shoreshim Ministries are separate entities. If you have any further questions about the matter, please let us know.
Passover 2020!
We’re very excited about our upcoming Passover celebration. It will be held at the Church of God of Prophecy Ministry Training Center, located at 3750 Keith Street NW, Cleveland, TN and will begin at 6:30 PM, April 8, 2020.
We will start with Praise and Worship with Brandon and Melody and begin our seder soon thereafter. The meal for the seder will be catered and everyone must purchase an advanced ticket. A Passover Haggadah will be provided for all adults. Cut off date is Monday, April 1. Tickets will not be available for purchase at the door, although you may pay for preordered tickets at the door by check or exact cash.The menu for our Seder meal is:
- Mixed Greens Salad with balsamic vinaigrette
- Roast Beef with Au Jus
- Roasted Russet Potatoes
- Green Beans (seasoned with chicken broth)
- Dessert is Mandarin Oranges with condensed milk, lemon juice and whipped cream.
- Beverages will be tea (sweet and unsweetened) and water
Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate any special dietary needs you may have. If that is you but you would still like to attend the seder, please let us know via email. Contact
To register for Passover 2020 click on this link:
We look forward to sharing this appointed time with you as we remember and worship our Redeemer. We will continue our worship experience with a meeting on Thursday April 9, a Midrash on Friday morning followed by an Erev Shabbat gathering on Friday evening, April 10. Our Shabbat celebration will begin at 11:00 AM on Saturday, April 11. Tickets are for the Seder only! No ticket is required for the other meetings. Other details, including lodging information, are available at
A Great Big “Thank You”
As I’ve said may times before, Beth and I deeply appreciate all of you who contact us to offer your words of encouragement and for those who support this ministry with their giving. Please know that we thank God for each and every one of you.
Blessings and Shalom,
Hey Bill,
You and Beth are such a blessing to so many people! Thank you for the hard work you put into this ministry by serving our Lord. I pray for many more blessings on the road ahead!
I am learning what it means to be a true follower of our Messiah.
With love in Yeshua,
Thanks so much for the encouraging comments. Bless you and shalom. Bill
Bill; you are always a blessing to me. I do watch on my Roku box, but it this on the first day of the week. HA!! HA!! but that is because I have Bible study from 10:30 a.m. and then go to another Bible study at 1:00p.m. I’m so happy that things are going well with you and Beth. YAH is on the move and I’m like everyone else, I do believe we are living in the last days.. So we need to Watch and Pray always. Jeri.
So good to hear from you. Blessings and shalom.
I saw you on Perry Stone’s Prophecy DVD’S.
I was wondering if you are Jewish and why you have church services on Saturday. Do you also have Sunday services?
There has been a split in our church over this.
No, I am not Jewish but I do believe in the entirety of the Bible. Consequently, I believe that the seventh day is still the Sabbath and that’s why we meet on Saturdays. No, we don’t typically meet on Sundays. Blessings.
Are you doing Succoth this year? Details? Blessings xxx
I’m in San Antonio TC
We are but we don’t have everything finalized yet. We’ll announce when we do. Shalom.
dear bill cloud ministry i just signed up as a premium part 25.00/month. i have been using the Zelle app. in my banking account. I would like to continue my monthly gifts sent via Zelle. all i need is the phone number associated with the ministry where it will be going.
The ministry phone number is 423-559-1177. Blessings.