Is it just me or does it seem that President Trump is drawing “the crazy”out of the far left?
In my opinion, almost everything President Trump does or says seems to create a firestorm in the Leftists’ camp, provoking them to say and do the most bizarre things. One only has to listen to the Democratic candidates running for president to understand my point. If there was ever any doubt that the extreme left wants to completely overhaul the U.S. and transform it into something entirely foreign to most of us, those doubts should have been dispelled with just the sound bytes from their first debate. And it seems to me that much of what they are sharing about their radical agenda on the campaign trail is being triggered by positions Trump is taking, such as his stand on immigration.
This has led me to wonder whether Trump’s purpose in God’s plan, at least in part, is to expose just how far removed from Godly principle America has become. More specifically, I’m wondering if Trump’s presidency is intended to coax the radicals among us into revealing, in explicit detail, what our future holds if we don’t return to the Almighty and common sense. I’m beginning to think that Trump is to the Progressives what God said Jerusalem would be to the nations.
“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it. (Zechariah 12:2-3)
I’m not implying that Trump should be considered as on par with Jerusalem or as important to God’s plan for mankind as Jerusalem is, although Trump bravely acknowledged that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. I might also add that his presidency has played a significant role in the internal strife that is moving through the Democratic party, particularly in the House. So I am implying that, in the way God uses Jerusalem to trigger the nations who stand against Him, He seems to be using Trump to trigger those who stand against what America is supposed to be and could still be.
My intent here is not to be political, necessarily, but to consider how the current political climate is exposing our spiritual deficiencies and, potentially, our future. I don’t believe Trump to be a perfect man who is entitled to a free pass for everything he does or says; I just believe that he is God’s man for this hour and is here to serve a purpose. By the way, Jerusalem doesn’t get a free pass either. In the last days, that great city is referred to as “Sodom and Egypt” (Revelation 11:8) even though God uses Jerusalem in the last days to judge the nations.
If I’m right in this line of thinking, what would be God’s reason for bringing these things to light? I’m convinced it’s this: God is shaking this nation in every way and exposing who we have become and what we will become if we do not amend our ways. In Ezekiel 20, God warned a rebellious Israel that, if they would not submit to His will and obey His laws, they would be turned over to governments that would rule them with laws “by which they could not live” (Ezekiel 20:25). Similarly, if Americans refuse to live by Godly standards and laws that are conducive to life, then we will end up being governed by the lawless standards of radicals and the Progressives. If we stand idly by and allow our culture to celebrate and legitimize perversion and death, then we will be ruled by the perverse and the Godless.
In that vein, it has been, and will continue to be, easy to focus on the bizarre and dangerous positions radicals like AOC, Omar, Warren, et al are taking as they seek to lead this country toward extreme liberalism. Consequently, it will be difficult to restrain our passions as their positions threaten to become more prevalent in our society. However, our first priority should be to discern what the Creator is saying to His people through the actions of others. In other words, if He is shaking our nation, then it is incumbent upon us, as His people, to acknowledge our wicked ways and turn from them.
If He is shaking this nation, the end result will be to demonstrate what is worthy of standing and what is not; to reveal what is built upon rock and what is built upon sand.
As followers of the Messiah, we are part of a kingdom “that cannot be shaken” (Hebrews 12:28) and have been called to advance that kingdom in the earth. So let us examine our own positions and make sure that we are situated upon the solid Rock and not upon shifting sand. Being assured of our footing, let us combat those ideologies and movements that deny God’s sovereignty and standards in a way that sanctifies His Name and compels others to turn to Him.
If the Almighty is using Trump to expose the objectives and will of the Lawless, then you and I must boldly reveal the Will of the One, True God to those who are being tossed about by the political chaos. Now is the time for the righteous to “shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43).
Are you suggesting we should wake up, get out of bed and do something? it would be more comfortable to just roll over and go back to sleep. Of course that’s what got us in this shape to begin with.
Shalom, Oscar
Yes, Oscar, that’s what I’m suggesting. See you soon. Blessings
Thé Truth shall set us free
Spot on Bill, spot on!
Good to hear from you Elliot. Blessings and shalom.
Todah Rabah! Blessings you and the crew.
Hope to make it to a shabbat when visiting family in TN
i agree with trump 1000%
Uyou should call them what they be…socialists
GREAT analogy, perspective & commentary on our (America’s) current state of affairs. My major concern is that we (the Body of Christ) wring our collective hands & verbally acknowledge the quick deterioration of our Judeau-Christian morality & national institutions & still we continue to slumber in our complacency. I question what it will take to arouse this sleeping giant (the Church of Jesus Christ) to take the action necessary to slay these uncircumcised philistines? The time for ‘magical thinking’ has long passed…now is the time for us to fall to our knees & repent ‘collectively’ as the army of Christ, continually, until God acknowledges to us that our humility & heartfelt repenting has reached His ears in heaven.
All I know to say is, “Amen!”
I continue to pray; “Bring down the wicked and raise up righteous leaders in this Governmenr, in our Congregations and in our individual communities”. Repenting of my sins in thought and in deed, turning away from my complacency and daily seeking Messiah to know how, where and when I am to stand.
Praying and repenting, yes. We all need to do that more. But, is that all we do, and then God is supposed to do all the rest ?
I do not think that all our forebearers during the Revolutionary War
did was pray. If somebody has broken into your home and is about
to harm you and your family, do you drop to your knees and pray and
pray about it ? Since it can be seen what is happening in the world
and specifically here in the U.S., it makes me wonder where turning the
other cheek is to be applied, and where defending one’s life and family
is to be applied. I am trying to reconcile what our forebearers did which led to the freest nation on earth, the nation that sends out the Gospel more than any other nation, and what the pacifists claim. Pacifists seem to think we should meekly allow ourselves to be led away to be slaughtered, citing Jesus as an example. But Jesus allowed Himself to be led away, and He laid down His life to do what no man could or can do, take away the sins of the world.
Randall; I think a lot of us are trying to figure out some of these same things. Prayer should be complimented with Godly and Spirit-led action. In the end, we are supposed to contend for the Kingdom of Heaven, first. Yet, I do believe that we are to guard/defend what the Father has entrusted to us as you allude to: our relationship with Him, our family, our community and our country. Walking this out in this day and time becomes a challenge to determine what is Spirit led and emotion driven. Blessings and shalom to you.
I have felt overwhelmed by all this personally day in and day out. It’s all sickening to me . My question is, what can we do to make a difference and turn all this around?I’ve given donations to help expose the abortion issue, I’m praying everyday. I will vote for Trump again. I’m diligently teaching my children YHWH’s ways and yet I feel that it isn’t enough. What can I do personally and what is it going to take collectively?
Andrea; I don’t know that I can answer that for you; I’m still trying to figure out what I should do. I do know that we must continue praying and petitioning Heaven for mercy and guidance. I also believe that we must be involved with the process, not to the extent that we are obsessed by it, and participate in those things that the Father has given us access to. After that, we must leave it in His hands. Blessings.
Bill; it amazing to me how you can 99.9% hit the nail on the head without hitting your thumb. Sometime when I listen to the news and see what is happening to our Nation, I sit and cry and pray for all the people because they are not turning back to a Biblical way of life.Have a beautiful SHABBAT
Thank you Ms. Jeri. Shalom.
Every good father wants to protect his children, teach them right from wrong, provide what they need in life to prepare them to prosper, and seek justice to those who have harmed them.
I see Trump that way, A national father, provided by our Heavenly Father
to care for this Great Nation in these days. We are all being Blessed and extended Great Mercy beyond our understanding. We were ALL breathed life into, to live in this period of history,
Very insightful Bill. In this past week I have undergone surgery to remove 9 lesions from my body from head to toe that my body could be restored to optimum health. It would appear necessary to remove these political socialist lesions from the body of the US nation, that it might return with repentance to the former Glory of “One Nation under YHWH”
David; Let’s pray that the Godless will be removed from office in the next election cycle and replaced with the God-fearing. Blessings.
Outstanding commentary and ever so true! Socialism and communism require worship of the state and God has no place!
Thanks for the encouraging words and blessings to you and your family.
This should be read by every American, especially the Christians and do something. We cannot be complacent at this time in history. We must pray and stand and be a light in the darkness.
Bill, thank you for taking the time as a watchman to keep us informed. Yes I agree with you. So very grateful in this tumultuous time to have people like yourself and a steadfast unmoveable relationship with Our Messiah, trusting and knowing true justice will come at His return!
For several weeks I’ve pondered this point: believed the great falling away, apostasy would be “religious “, but with the culture shift in the last several years our nation is in apostasy, right is now wrong, evil good, good evil etc. Because of that my heart grieves and prayers of intercession for our nation have increased, especially for the younger generation and even to those that are afar off, .even as many as THE LORDour God shall call.
Personal opinion: will it turn around, no it will lead us into greater more intense birth pains until the redemption of the sons of God.
Bill, keeping you and your family in prayer ❤️????
Mickey; I so appreciate your comments and your prayers for our family. We love all of you guys and hope to see you soon. Blessings and shalom.