“The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” (Ezekiel 22:29-30).
This passage of Scripture represents a sad time in the history of Israel. The sins of the nation had become so egregious that the Creator was forced to take action and bring judgment upon the people. According to Scripture this is something He doesn’t wish to do, in fact, it seems to be a last resort when provoking His people to repentance. In Scripture, God continually describes Himself as being merciful, compassionate and slow to anger. Through the prophet, Ezekiel, He told Israel that “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live” (Ezekiel 33:11).
This is His heart – that we would live and not die. Yet, when His people have hardened their hearts so intently against Him, He has been forced to deal harshly with them. Such was the case in Ezekiel’s day. But even then, before He resorted to such drastic measures, He looked around the nation for someone – ANY ONE – willing to stand in the gap for those who didn’t deserve mercy. The inference is, had He found someone willing, He might have continued to deal mercifully with them but He found no one. Thus, we are told that He had no choice but to act.
“Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads.” (Ezekiel 22:31)
When Donald Trump won the presidency in November 2016, many believers were convinced that God, not the Russians, had intervened in our nation and spared us from the evils of a Hillary Clinton presidency. The word that was most often used was “reprieve.” Many of us were and are convinced that God demonstrated mercy upon this nation and given us a reprieve from what seemed to be imminent national destruction – at least as we have known America to be in our lifetime. I want to go on record and say that I agree with that notion; I believe we were granted a reprieve but not a pardon. We must be careful not to confuse God’s mercy with His approval.
The definition for reprieve is “to postpone the punishment of someone,” especially someone who has been condemned to death. It is a temporary escape from an undesirable fate. In other words, it is not a pardon. If we were granted a reprieve, it means we were given a window of opportunity to appeal to God for a pardon and forgiveness of our national sins. Moreover, it was to be understood that America had to change course or face the consequence of our previous choices. So the question is, have we done that? Are we a repentant nation that wishes to reverse course and return to a more biblical standard of living? There are signs here and there that some of us do. The recent anti-abortion laws passed in Georgia and Alabama are hopeful indicators that a change is underway but, frankly, whether these laws are permitted to stand is questionable. Trump’s position on Israel and Jerusalem is encouraging but it doesn’t necessarily equate to a national change of heart where the God of Israel is concerned.
In fact, most polls show that if the election were held today, Trump would lose to Biden, Sanders, Warren and several others who are, in my view, godless and certainly less sympathetic to the plight of the unborn and to Israel. That people with this mindset are polling much better than a president who defends the unborn and acknowledges Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital is not encouraging.
Jonah or Moses?
Obviously a lot can change, politically speaking, over the next eighteen months, but the primary issue remains whether or not America is willing to acknowledge our national sins and humble ourselves before the Almighty. Honestly, I don’t see that happening, at least not on the scale seen when Jonah preached to Nineveh. Miracles can occur, but there doesn’t seem to be an inclination toward repentance after two years into our reprieve. So what is to become of us?
I know that some people have simply given up on the nation due to our overt rebellion against God and His laws. Some, hopefully few, are of the mind that America must be destroyed and the sooner, the better. The notion is that, the quicker God judges this nation, the sooner we can all go to Israel and enter the Kingdom. That scenario might work out well for some but what about all the other people who have no clue what’s getting ready to happen? Should we be concerned about them? Or are they just so blatantly wicked that they are deserving of God’s wrath? The latter seemed to be Jonah’s position where the people of Nineveh were concerned. According to Scripture, the prophet was much more considerate of a plant that grew and then withered than he was the inhabitants of Nineveh.
Juxtapose that attitude with the one Moses displayed when Israel was deserving of death. When the children of Israel quickly turned aside from God’s ways and worshiped the golden calf, God was ready to wipe them out, then and there. But Moses stood in the gap.
And the LORD said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and indeed it is a stiff-necked people! Now therefore, let Me alone, that My wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them. And I will make of you a great nation.” Then Moses pleaded with the LORD his God, and said: “LORD, why does Your wrath burn hot against Your people whom You have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians speak, and say, ‘He brought them out to harm them, to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth’? Turn from Your fierce wrath, and relent from this harm to Your people. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your own self, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven; and all this land that I have spoken of I give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever.’” So the LORD relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people. (Exodus 32:9-14)
Think of it: a mere man dared to entreat the Creator of the Universe from doing what He was more than justified in doing. Not only that, had he stepped aside, we might be regarded as the “seed of Moses” rather than the “seed of Abraham.” Moses was a selfless man who, even though the people were notorious for rebellion and complaining, cared for his countrymen to the point of saying, “Forgive their sin—but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written” (Exodus 32:32). Apparently, Moses was willing to lay down his life for people who were thoroughly corrupt and unworthy of mercy. Because he was a true shepherd, he was prepared to be accounted as one of them. God was obviously moved by this man’s heart and didn’t destroy the nation. (By the way, if you haven’t made the connection yet, this is exactly Messiah did on behalf of us all).
I hope my point is obvious: yes, America deserves what she gets. We are a nation that was founded upon biblical principle even if the founders were imperfect men. We are a nation whose history is replete with leaders and notable citizens who have acknowledged the God of Israel as our God and, frankly, the only reason we exist and have prospered. But like Israel we have turned aside to “other gods” and have rebelled against Him. There are those among us who scoff at the notion that He even exists and, yet, take pleasure in offending Him in any way they can imagine. Yes, we deserve judgment, yet we know that destruction is not His way or His will – He is for life. Is it wrong for me to think that if we are willing to stand in the gap He might spare us – at least for a while?
Mind you, this shouldn’t be about sparing our national prestige or our comfortable lifestyle – this is about people. Furthermore, the majority of the people we are talking about are those who really don’t deserve mercy. Their sins are atrocious and their rebellion is unapologetic, much like Israel of old. Still, we know that the Creator takes the time to scan to and fro over the people to see if there is someone – ANYONE – willing to stand in the gap.
The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
He also spoke this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’” (Luke 13:6-9)
I have often referred to this parable when speaking about the fact that God expects us to bear fruit. It’s about functioning in our purpose; if we don’t do what we were designed to do, then what good are we? Salt that loses its saltiness is “good for nothing” (Matthew 5:13). The same is true for fig trees – those trees that don’t produce fruit are good for nothing and just taking up valuable space. This principle is true for people and for nations. When Israel failed to function in their purpose, after many warnings, God brought judgement upon them, often resulting in destruction, desolation and exile.
Just recently I perceived there may be another concept embedded within this parable. The owner of the vineyard is ready to remove the fig tree for lack of proper function – no fruit, in other words. But the worker in the vineyard intercedes on behalf of the fig tree saying, “Let me work with it a bit more to see if there is hope for this tree.” Though it is not stated emphatically, the inference is that the owner of the vineyard relented and granted the fig tree a reprieve. Now consider: the tree had already been allowed three years to grow fruit and had not. With the reprieve given, it would seem that the owner had allotted four years for the tree to produce fruit or be dug up. FOUR YEARS OF REPRIEVE!
What we must do, we must do now. Lives hang in the balance and some of those lives are your loved ones. May God move upon us to be intercessors and those willing to lay our lives on the line and stand in the gap for those who don’t deserve mercy because, it wasn’t that long ago that I was one of those people.
Amen and amen. Totally concur and bear witness, THANK you so much for speaking this out. May GOD/YAH help us respond effectively.
Thankyou for your truthfulness, boldness, treasures, timely reminders and challenges. I totally agree with you and the previous commentators.
Thanks, Patricia. Blessings.
Excellent article and states truth. We, as God’s people, need to be working for him to bring in the last harvest. Keep up the good work. Shalom,
Thanks Debby. Shalom.
I’m so thankful that you mentioned National sins. The “big” ones for me are abortion and same sex marriage. The shedding of innocent blood and the legalization of abominations…how much longer is His mercy going to restrain His judgement upon the nations.
Wow, I am shocked that you have come right out and stated without apology your political opinions, endorsing Trump, even going so far as to say the Russians involved in our elections was God and not a big deal?
This is such a divisive subject. I don’t understand why Christian evangelists such as yourselves get involved in political stuff.
I was so enjoying your teaching, then I began to hear on today’s program I could hear the rhetoric, that we shouldn’t sell our freedoms for healthcare, as this comes before losing our leadership. There are many 3rd world nations, and 1st world nations that have healthcare for all their people, and yet they have their freedoms. We are a rich nation, and healthcare has nothing to do with losing freedom.
I do not know how God feels about abortion. There is nothing in scripture about this. I do not feel that making it criminal is necessarily the right thing though, as this takes away our freedom (as you were speaking of on your program).
Without seeming out of place I do wish that people that have a platform such as yours would keep politics out of your message, and just keep to what the Bible teaches.
I do think you are tax free because of this?
I’m going to respond to all of your posts as a whole for the sake of convenience. You have made a lot of assumptions about me and what I think in your comments and, so, I’m going to try set the record straight.
First of all, you might be surprised to learn that, initially, I was not for Trump – I supported someone else in the Republican party. Secondly, I’m not under the illusion that ANY candidate, whether Democrat or Republican, is without spot or wrinkle. My thoughts in 2016 were to support someone who most closely matched what I believe spiritually and politically. I’m still of the mind that we’ve been, too often, forced to choose between the lesser of two evils when we go into the voting booth. That being said, I definitely thought/think Trump was the lesser of two evils.
Here is what you said:
“I’m shocked that you have come right out and stated without apology your political opinions, endorsing Trump…”
I endorsed positions and actions Trump has taken when it comes to abortion and Israel. There are other positions he has taken that I support as well but, in my article, I focused on those two. So to be clear, I wholeheartedly and “without apology” support the President in taking a stand against those who murder babies in their mother’s womb and his unequivocal support of Israel. As a believer, I would think you would too.
In regard to my support of Trump, you also said:
“…even going so far as to say the Russians involved in our elections was God and not a big deal.”
Actually, I said no such thing. I said many believers are convinced that it was God who intervened in our election and that is what made the difference – not the Russians. Here is the biblical basis for that belief:
“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.” (Dan. 2:20-21)
If you’re a believer then you should know that God is sovereign and, consequently, He is the one who positions leaders as He sees fit to suit His purposes. Based on the tone of your comments, that’s something you don’t acknowledge, apparently. Its not about the person, whoever is in power, but the purpose. Don’t let your disdain for Trump blind you to that truth. To be clear, I don’t see Trump as the savior of the world but I do see him as the man God has chosen to lead this nation in spite of his character flaws. God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and we don’t always recognize His purpose, at first. Where Trump is concerned, as long as he continues making common sense decisions that support “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” I’m going to support him.
Furthermore, I didn’t say that the Russians didn’t try to interfere – but since when is that news? The Russians have been trying to interfere with everything we do since the Cold War. Furthermore, despite the smoke and mirrors the Democrats are conjuring up, the report they were hanging all their hopes on has cleared the Trump administration and family of any wrongdoing. In fact, it makes the point that, though the Russians tried to approach, the Trumps refused their offers. One last note on this point: Obama was blatant in his efforts to interfere with the Israeli elections a few years ago; of that there is no doubt.
You continued:
“I’m not sure as a believer how anyone could feel that Trump is good for our nation. He has been shown to lie, slander and cheat. How as Christians do we justify that? … How do you promote a man who is this corrupt, and feel good about it?”
I don’t justify lying and cheating in any scenario but what indisputable evidence do you provide that he lied and cheated? What exactly did he lie and cheat about? There is no doubt that he has human flaws and, like most of us, he has made awful decisions in his personal life. But here is where you misunderstand the basis of my support: there is difference between personal sins and national sins. When it comes to our national sins (e.g. abortion, same-sex marriage), he is taking positions and making decisions to combat these things. On the other hand, the Clintons, the Obamas, Sanders, Biden, Harris, etc all vehemently support these Godless positions and seek to push the nation farther away from biblical principle.
When it comes to promoting “a man who is this corrupt, and feel good about it”: first, you seem certain of his corruption. Be careful how you judge because you will be judged in the same way (Matthew 7:1-2). Secondly, I feel good about supporting someone who is taking a bold position to combat things that are carrying our nation into spiritual oblivion. It’s kind of like the old saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Abortion is my enemy. Planned Parenthood is my enemy. Those who would destroy Israel and come against God’s people are my enemy. Because of his positions on these issues, Trump has become my friend in that regard. That doesn’t mean I support everything he says or tweets but I do support many of the things he has done. Messiah said we aren’t to measure someone by what they say as much as what they do. When it comes to addressing national sins his fruit, compared to the Clintons, is worthy of my support.
You also said:
“I believe the idea in your blog is to make a point as to where you stand, and you did so, as illogical as it is.”
Yes, the idea of my blog is to comment and make points about what I believe. I even let people such as yourself differ with me and post what you believe, within certain parameters. You see my position as illogical which, you should understand, is a matter of perspective. Your position, from my perspective, is the illogical one when compared to the entirety of Scripture and the bigger picture. My conclusion about your position is also based on your admission of being a believer. Now, if you weren’t a believer and were ignorant of the Scripture, your position would make total sense to me – not that it would be agreeable. While I don’t question your faith – that’s between you and the Creator – I must confess that I feel you are either ignorant of the Scripture or very limited in your understanding. Here’s why:
“I do not know how God feels about abortion. There is nothing in Scripture about this. I do not feel that making it criminal is necessarily the right thing though, as this takes away our freedom.”
You were “shocked” by statements in my article about Trump. I find this statement shocking, coming from one who professes a faith in Messiah. The only explanation that makes sense to me is you don’t read the Bible, for if you did, you would know beyond any doubt that the Bible addresses the sanctity of life. True, the word “abortion” isn’t found in the Bible but, from beginning to end, the principle that God is the giver of life, that He knows us all when we are in our mother’s womb and that He created us all for purpose is continually repeated in Scripture. You would know that if you read and studied it. How can you be so confident about Trump’s corruption and, yet, fail to see the corruptive nature of legalized infanticide. You don’t feel that “making it criminal” is the right thing to do. Rhonda, IT IS CRIMINAL.
If you have read it and come away thinking the Bible isn’t clear on the matter, then perhaps you have allowed your feelings about the matter to outweigh what God says. While you accuse me of making excuse for Trump’s personal flaws, you come extremely close to excusing the national sin of abortion. Considering that 125,000 babies are butchered in their mother’s wombs EVERY day, I will happily support a flawed President who is willing to combat this wickedness. His frailties cannot begin to compare to the murderous evils of abortion and those who support and profit from it, i.e. Planned Parenthood. So, do you support it?
This issue now brings us to another point you made in your comments:
“I don’t understand why Christian evangelists such as yourselves get involved in political stuff…. I do wish that people that have a platform such as yours would keep politics out of your message, and just to keep to what the Bible teaches. I do think you are tax free because of this?”
Well, Rhonda, the above comment should help you to understand EXACTLY why ministers should get involved in “political stuff.” Because we haven’t been involved, prayer was removed from public schools and now they’re war zones. We kicked God out and the Adversary moved in. The same is true for our society at large; believers bought into the notion that faith was not appropriate in the public square and now lawlessness and rebellion is promoted in our streets. Because the political world is a reflection of our society, a corrupt society tends to breed corrupt politicians who then exacerbate the problem by drafting lawless laws (e.g. same-sex marriage, HR 5 and so on). Rhonda, it is my duty to get involved and make my voice heard. Sorry if that gives you heartburn but that’s how its going to be. I intend to be involved and provoke as many believers as I can to do the same.
Furthermore, I fully intend “to keep to what the Bible teaches” and that includes being a light that dispels the darkness of our time. That is our mission as believers. We aren’t supposed to hide the light in any scenario, politics included. We are to place our light on a pedestal so that everyone, particularly those people who are in darkness, can see. Furthermore, from the beginning of our nation, ministers have played a significant role in the political realm.
Four signers of the Declaration of Independence were full-time ministers. Many more were trained in the ministry.
Jonas Clarke was a pastor and political leader from Lexington, MA, who played a significant role in the Revolution and shaping the US Constitution.
Reverend William Emerson, grandfather of Ralph Waldo Emerson, was a pastor in Concord, MA, who served in the Continental Army and was present at the fight that took place at the Old North Bridge also known as the “shot heard ‘round the world.”
American history is replete with ministers who got involved with “political stuff” and helped shape this nation into what is the greatest superpower the world has yet to know. So, when it comes to your desire that I and other ministers stay out of “political stuff,” speaking for me, that’s not going to happen. I intend to speak up and take action. And by the way, you are wrong about this ministry being “tax free.” The very reason I opted NOT to apply for 501(c)3 status, twenty years ago, is because I didn’t want anyone telling me what I could and couldn’t say as a minister. We pay taxes on every dollar that comes into this ministry because we don’t want an overreaching government holding a tax exemption over our heads. Moreover, I want tolerate anyone else telling me what I should and shouldn’t say.
My position is that government shouldn’t be involved in every aspect of my life. Every “gift” that comes from the government has a catch – usually requiring that I give up some of my liberty. If I send my children to “free” public schools I must consent that God can’t go with them. If I send them to public schools, I effectively give up my right to protect them from being indoctrinated with evolution, the LGBTQ agenda, sex ed and so on. If I submit to a government controlled healthcare system, then I will surrender my right to choose my doctor and how and when I can be treated. That brings me to another of your comments and the last that I will respond to:
“There are many 3rd world nations and 1st world nations that have healthcare for all their people, and yet they have their freedoms. … We are a rich nation, and healthcare has nothing to do with losing freedom.”
First thing: I don’t want to be like other nations whether they are in the 3rd world or 1st; I want the US to function in the way it was intended – as a Constitutional Republic. That means “less government” not “more.” The founders of this nation acknowledged that government was a necessary evil and, therefore, must be strictly limited in scope and power. That’s what the Constitution was intended to do – place limitations on government thus allowing for more individual freedoms. This concept allowed all of us to go as far as our talents and ambition could take us. Along with the blessing of the Almighty, this philosophy is what made us a “rich nation.” To abandon those principles would eventually turn us into one of those other nations you allude to (but do not name). Sorry, but I’m not interested in becoming something else just to have great health insurance.
Secondly, when you say “healthcare” don’t you really mean “health insurance”? No one has a right to health insurance. On the other hand, healthcare begins with the individual; it is my responsibility, first and foremost, to care for the body that God gave me. When something beyond my control happens – and it does – I will seek out someone who can help me. I want to be the one to make the decision of “who,” “when” and “how.” I have no interest in the government being involved with that decision any more than I want them to tell me what kind of weapon I’m allowed to have to defend my home and family.
The plain and simple fact is, ceding control to the government over any part of my life – including healthcare (insurance) – has everything to do with freedom. Personally, I don’t want anything from the government other than what the Constitution holds the government responsible for – to protect our borders and defend our liberties. If Donald Trump holds to those principles, then I shall stand by him as our president. Shalom.
Bill; I read the comments from Rhonda; and from you. Bill there is so many people that think’s like Rhonda; My prayer everyday is that our Messiah will open up their hearts & mind to search the SCRIPTURES and find YEHOVAH (YESHUA’S HEART ) I pray for our Nation and cry because our Country is going to hell in a hand basket and my prayer is that Our KING will turn us all back to HIM with ALL OUR HEARTS.
Miss Jeri; That is our prayer as well. Thank you for commenting on this. Blessings.
I should say that I’m a following believer. And I must admit that I’m not sure as a believer how anyone could feel that Trump is good for our nation. He has been shown to lie, slander, and cheat. How as Christians do we justify that?
I see my comments, being controversial are being removed? I do hope that you Bill are reading what I say, because this was to you. So do we only pick out the couple of “sins” as the above person mentions, and not look at the sins of our president? I agree that our nation has turned it’s back on God, but to justify the president and all of his lies as being our reprieve (as opposed to being given over to a Hillary Clinton presidency and “all it’s evils”)? And this Trump presidency is so clean and good? I know many people who would fail to see the logic in your argument.
I believe the idea in your blog above is to make a point as to where you stand, and you did so, as illogical as it is.
And I guess I feel I needed to say to some Christian teacher, preacher, etc., who feels they need to promote this president, “how do you promote a man who is this corrupt, and feel good about it?” I just don’t get it.
You have my email, you could always email me back. I am curious.
Your comments are not being removed and, yes, I’ve read them. It’s Shabbat and I won’t be addressing your comments tonight. I’ll post your comments and my response on Sunday.
Thank you Bill for this article. A very timely article that calls us to continue to pray for our nation. There are days when I feel like I must be the only one praying, but I know that is not the case. This article just affirms what I have been sensing, that is to pray for our country. Intercession is not easy. Standing in the gap can often times be a bloody battle. So I find encouragement in your words.
Dennis; thanks for the encouragement. Blessing to you.
King David was a adulterer and murderer.
“What we must do, we must do now. Lives hang in the balance and some of those lives are your loved ones”
I wish I knew what I’m suppose to be doing exactly, and how to to about it properly. I feel useless and woefully inadequate in prayer. Thanks for your message, Bill. I believe you are correct.
Dawnee; We’re all trying to figure out just what to do. Hang in there. Blessings.
My father had a bit different thought: when praying oh come Lord Jesus soon meant you where ready plus you really didn’t care about who else was not. Both being wrong thoughts.
Ronda seems to have lost sight of the past that reveals the future, Ish.46:10. In the past Yah used men like Nebuchadnezzar/Artaxerzes, Book of Daniel, Book of Nehemiah to accomplish His will. Everyone serves God but not all are Yah’s servant.
So Ronda, what would you rather, baby murdering Hillery, what choice did most have? Ronda, what did you think was going on in the Trump Towers, prayer meetings? Please, now the man is pro-life/pro-Israel, with Israel having gay rights parades, IDF doing sex changes if soldiers so desire. Come to think of it, my past is pretty dicey not wishing for Ronda to know. How about you Ronda, you want to throw the first stone? I’m sure Pastor Bill will be much more gentle in his response.
In the judgment, it will be I alone with my King who will also act as my defense Lawyer, praise His name forever. Israel, Trump and Ronda doing the same.
Excellent article, Mr. Cloud. Unfortunately, some are unable to see that stating we are given reprieve from a more evil administration is not the same as calling our current Potus a holy man. He is the man chosen for the hour. It is better than the other option. There are positive strides being made that would be impossible under the alternate.
This IS a time to get ready. Our merciful Father has already tarried. But He will only do so for so long. Relatively speaking, “Momentary Reprieve” – exactly.
Just Pray! Oh don’t be so quick as to not FULLY look at the Motive behind the bill you mentioned….
You might want to also look a little closer at HR5, asap!
PS we met at Prop Conf. back when we discussed and agreed on the issue of voting/non voting in the last presidential election. You left very comforted and also pleased in spiritual confirmation of your position.
David; Not sure what point you’re wishing to make but if you’re referring to the fact that I was not for Trump in 2016, that is an established fact and one that I have not shied away from. But I have also said that, given the fact that he has done good things where Israel is concerned and in support of life and security, that I support those actions and will support him in the future. I’m not going to pretend I understand God’s purposes by selecting Trump but I’m not going to fight against it either. By the way I wasn’t for Hillary either – still not for her or for any other of the godless Democrats rising to the surface. Shalom.
Bill, that is an excellent message and we are in complete agreement with you, including your assessment of POTUS. Though he is not a Godly man in all his ways, as few if any of us can claim, I believe he is being used by God to direct our nation back to godly principals, and a far better choice than any other in the running. This was not my opinion initially, though I did vote for him. I don’t know how Rhonda can be so blind as to believe scripture does not speak out as clearly as possible against murder…which abortion can only be considered. I know Abba’s Heart is severely grieved for our sin in this regard. He has given me a very clear vision of how He sees abortion, and to Him, it is clearly butchery, plain and simple. Calling it anything else is lipstick on a pig. Bless you for all your boldness and clarity of vision. We continue to pray earnestly for our nation, our leaders, and those like Rhonda to have clarity
Thanks, Brian for your comments and encouragement. It is greatly appreciated. Blessings and shalom.
Bill this is a very moving statement, and one that I agree with very much last night at our ladies Bible study, we was talking about( Ezekiel chapter 18) and if a wicked man turn from his wickedness; he shall live, but if a righteous man turn from his righteousness he shall die. A friend ask what this meant and I answered that if what we have heard about Hillary Clinton is true, if she turned back to our FATHER in HEAVEN with all her heart, and beg forgiveness, she would live. We don’t know the mind of our ELOHIM and his ways are higher that our, and He said He didn’t take pleasure in the wicked to die, but for them to repent and turn from their wicked ways and live. THANK YOU BILL for your insight, Jeri