The Year of the Woman?
2018 was touted as the Year of the Woman, in large part, due to the record number of women elected to Congress. You may remember that this was the one thing addressed by Trump in his State of the Union that all of the white-clad democratic women rose from their seats to applaud and high-five. I found it interesting, even disgusting, that many of them could not respond in this manner when Trump acknowledged WWII veterans, wounded police officers and agents from ICE. Trump even garnered a few moans and boos when he spoke in defense of human life, particularly those who were unborn. In the final analysis, the only thing these women could unanimously applaud was themselves.
Some historians have compared 2018 with 1992, another so-called “Year of the Woman” due to the fact that, then as now, record numbers of women were elected to public office. Then, it was attributed to the fallout from the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. In case you don’t remember, Thomas had to endure baseless and ridiculous accusations of sexual harassment brought forth by one woman. Many believe that the Me Too movement, in conjunction with the embarrassingly unjust Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, played a huge role in the 2018 election outcome. Frankly, I don’t doubt it. In fact, I’d say it is likely because, in this current political environment, being a male who functions as a male is proving to be dangerous in certain circles.
I have no problem with assertive and talented women; I’m married to one. I have no problem with women holding elected office if they are qualified to do so (I voted for a woman who now serves as one of Tennessee’s US Senators). I do have a problem with the progressive and Godless agenda that several of these newly elected women have put forward. For instance, the self proclaimed Democratic-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the youngest person elected to Congress, has proposed the so-called New Green Deal. Essentially, it is a proposal that the U.S. Government take control of every aspect of our lives. I have to say that I was elated to hear Trump’s statement in the SOU: “America will never be a socialist country. We were born free and we will stay free.” I hope that it stays that way.
Then there’s Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. Both of these women have already exhibited vulgar attitudes and language toward the President, Israel and ICE, just to name a few of their targets. To their credit, they do seem to faithfully represent Islamic values particularly where Israel and America are concerned; the problem is, that doesn’t bode well for America. As if that isn’t enough, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand are three of several Democratic women who are planning to run for president in 2020, no doubt, intending to finish what Barack Obama started – a complete and ruinous transformation of America.
Suffice it to say, I am alarmed about the encroaching threat that these women in particular pose to our nation and, more importantly, to believers in Messiah. Make no doubt about it: at the heart of these socialist, anti-American and anti-Israel agendas is a disdain for the God of Israel and His people and, particularly, those who are male. Have you stopped and wondered why so many women are rising up against Godly standards and why men are being castigated and, socially at least, castrated? I think I have an inkling.
When God came into the garden looking for Adam who, along with his wife, had hidden among the trees, He asked him, “Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” (Gen. 3:11) Adam’s response was, essentially, “She made me do it.” God then addressed the woman who, of course, passed the buck onto the serpent who was then abruptly reprimanded and cursed (Gen. 3:15). Then the Creator said to the woman:
“I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. (Genesis 3:16)
Here’s the question: What did He mean when He said, “Your desire shall be for your husband”? Frankly there are a myriad of interpretations as to what this was intended to convey. Most theologians land on the interpretation that says she would “greatly desire to have a husband” that would lead her. I won’t dispute that interpretation because I know of many women who greatly desire to have a righteous husband that fulfills his role to lead his family as priest and protector.
But as with many passages of Scripture, this statement may also imply something entirely different without negating the other. In other words, many verses of Scripture can have a positive and a negative connotation. Where this statement is concerned, the Hebrew text could be understand to say that the woman would desire her husband’s place and position. In other words, she would long to abandon her role and assume his, which would infer that he would be relegated to her role as helper. That may, in fact, be why the Creator clearly reaffirmed, “And he shall rule over you.” Just in case you think I’m making this up, consider this NLT rendering of this verse.
“And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”
For the sake of the argument, let’s assume that this translation is not so far-fetched. Let’s consider the possibility that God was insinuating that what had just happened – the woman encouraged the man to eat the forbidden fruit – would set a precedent for the future of mankind. That is, there would be a desire among some women to assert themselves to the point of leading their husbands and eventually assume his role rather than submitting to his leadership. Now before all of you ladies tar and feather me, listen to what God said to the man:
“Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: Cursed is the ground for your sake.” (Genesis 3:17)
My primary point is this: the bigger issue is not what the woman did but what the man didn’t do. In this case, Adam disobeyed God in deference to the voice of his wife. True, she was deceived, but Adam knowingly and, apparently, willingly allowed sin to enter into the world. So when God told Eve, “Your desire shall be for your husband,” He alluded to a problem then that affects us now. Adam had, at some point and to some degree, abdicated his role as priest and protector which subsequently allowed for the conversation between the woman and serpent to take place. Furthermore Adam, “who was with her” (Gen. 3: 6), did not attempt to step in and protect her from the verbal seduction of the serpent. In effect, he left it to her to make decisions that she should have never had to make. Consequently, Adam established a precedent that has haunted mankind to this very day.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the world is moving toward women assuming the role of men in the home, workplace and, now, in the halls of Congress. It is also clear that fueling this movement is a general disdain for men; we are being told to “sit down and shut up.” There are some individual cases where this criticism is justified but, in most cases, I will argue it is because men have abdicated the role of priest and protector given to them by the Almighty. Some of you might not like this but you’ll have to take it up with God; in regard to her husband, He said to the woman “He shall rule over you.” He didn’t intend that to mean, “He will lord over you as a tyrant” but that the woman should look to the man to lead the household, physically and, most importantly, spiritually.
I realize that some ladies will take issue with what I’m saying, but I stand by this principle: God made mankind male and female for a reason, and the roles should not be perverted. One part of that plan established that it was the man’s responsibility to be the priest, provider and protector. The woman was and is to help him fulfill that God-ordained role, not walking behind him with head bowed but beside him as an equal component of this divine relationship. Sometimes that means she must oppose him – not to undermine his authority but to provoke him to correct his ways and walk in that authority. The opposition and correction she provides should be intended to get him back on the right track so that he might fulfill his role as leader of the home.
Considering all of this, might it be that the “Year of the Woman” is not something to be celebrated as much as it should be a wake up call for God’s people, and Godly men in particular? In other words, men, it is time for us to cease delegating ALL spiritual matters to our wives. Yes, they have an extremely significant and irreplaceable role to play in the lives of our families, but so do the men. More specifically, providing food and shelter is not the only responsibility given to men. We are also charged with keeping the enemy out of our garden, and that means leading our families in spiritual matters and protecting them from wicked influences. Please do not misinterpret my message: I rely heavily on my wife, and I confess that she is the glue that holds our household together. I couldn’t function properly without her. Yet, it should also be that she can’t function properly without me doing what I’m supposed to do.
Why are so many woman now assuming roles that have long been considered the domain of men? In general, because we have abdicated our role as priests and protectors of our homes, our congregations, and our nation. We allowed the serpent to slither in and seduce our society into believing that the fruit from a deadly tree will make us wiser. It is past time for righteous men to step up, speak up, and man up! Quit delegating our responsibilities to our wives in order that they may fulfill their God-ordained role. When possible and prudent, assist those single mothers who are struggling to be both provider and nurturer to their children. May God grant that we become men who lead with a strong arm and a gentle hand.
Our past dereliction of duty has encouraged and continues to foster a firestorm of resentment and aggression toward men. I am convinced that it is our apathy which has contributed greatly to the rise of women like Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and others. God help us if Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and others like them are the future of this country. If we, as men of God, fail at home, you can be assured of it.
I wanted to remind everyone that we are closing out all of the individual DVD albums, Returning To Our Roots. These are all of the programs we recorded for Son Broadcasting several years ago and released through DVD. Each album contains a minimum of 90 minutes of teaching (some are 2 hours and more) plus a data disc that contains my teaching outlines in PDF. These DVD albums are great for Bible studies and home fellowships, especially since the outlines can be printed off to share with everyone in the group. They are going pretty quickly so make sure to check out what is still available here.
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I agree!!!! above our nation is says,…’ichabod’
I hope it hasn’t come to that yet but if we don’t turn back to the Father, it’s only a matter of time.
Great article…I’ve been thinking the same thing. I am female but I have to say I think this current uprising of women is very dangerous. I am totally against it and would like for these women in white to grow up and shut up.
It is very dangerous and righteous men better wise up. Good to hear from you. Blessings.
Bill, enjoyed your “Year of the Woman” Very observant.
I have my own opinion: these are ‘silly’ women;
these are revengeful women; these are women who
seek to be powerful women; these are women who do
not respect men(husbands); what better way to find
their ‘pot of gold’ than politics where they are
admired for their so’called achievements.
with a few exceptions, gone are the classic
women who dress up, speak with charm and abhor vulgar
speech. There are still a lot of us that turn away
from this lifestyle with it’s phony fulfillment.
I found the article very interesting and informative. Right on Bill
This was fantastic, thank you! I wish you would allow it to be posted to our own timelines on Facebook.
Mary. You can share it. Go to our Facebook page and find the post with this article. You can share it from there. I’ll look into making it where you can share it from here at the site. Blessings.
Truth! Thank you, Bill, for focusing on the state of the world and the country. May the God of Israel continue to show mercy on us as we prepare for the time that Yeshua warned us of in Matthew. We are certainly living in the time of the end of all things as we know it.
Here, here!!! I heartily agree with every word. I am ecstatic to read these sentiments from a man. I salute your courage and unabashed truth. Thank you Mr. Bill Cloud.
Thank you, Amanda.
I agree completely.
Isaiah 3:12
Thank you, Bill, for unapologetically naming these socialist-feminists, and for accurately describing their malevolence from a biblical perspective. Like the socialists and communists before them, one of their top priorities appears to be a quest to destroy the traditional nuclear family, and to replace it’s role with centralized rule by an atheistic, tyrannical nanny-state. Unfortunately, these despotic narcissists are succeeding, and now we are facing a dystopian future, as evidenced by routine acceptance of what even the most liberal non-believer would have called infanticide only a few years ago (NY, VA, and soon in RI). As men, we must step into our proper roles of leadership, and reject charges of “toxic masculinity” for assuming traditional, biblical male roles, as assigned by G-d, that have been successfully propagating the human race for thousands of years.
I agree with your teaching I just would like that my husband would do this for us. He is a very good, loving, patient, serving and G_dly man but he doesn’t take the manly G_d given role in our 32 married life together. At times I get disappointed. He has nerve shear retinal in both eyes and hasn’t worked outside our home. Don’t get me wrong cause he has worked on our houses over the years and still does so much to help me so so very much. I truly love him and don’t know what I would do if he was not with me anymore. I just want him to be a spiritual leader. I’m Messianic and he remains a “Christian “ he thinks Messiah (Jesus) put the end of the “Torah/Tanakh “ . This is what he has been taught growing up in the “church of “Christ “. Basically all denominations are a splint off “Catholic church “ which he does not agree. He thinks taking the “Lords super “ is meant something other than the true meaning of Passover. Also going to “church “ on Sunday is scriptural. I don’t!
Thank you for listening.
Sharlon. Keep praying for him even as you thank God for him. He sounds like he’s a good man and there are a lot of women who don’t have what you have. As far as the faith walk, just continue to be a good example to him of what walking according to the Torah looks like. Blessings and shalom.
Very good Bill and as a woman I wholeheartedly agree with you! V
Thanks, Loretta.
bill; what a great article, and so true My Mother taught me that the man was to take care of his wife & children and make sure they had a place to live and food to eat; the wife was to take care of the home, and see that meals was on the table and things done in the home.Did you notice that most of the women in the Government are Democ(RAT)ic’??
I did notice that Miss Jeri. Love ya.
Thanks Bill. Shaloam.
Could we see a clearer picture of the wheat & Tare today.
Neither group perfect flawed like me but we have the Chant of Save lives Choose Life Let’s prosper & Flower & Bud verses Death Destruction open Resistance oppose attack Open Sedition
It’s No longer Over There it’s been here Planned in Dark places by those who think dark thoughts.
This is a difficult subject to address. As a woman, I would like to share a few thoughts. While I do not agree that those women you referenced are doing the right thing, I do understand where it comes from. Women are tired. They are tired of being blamed for what happened in the garden (the woman You gave me gave it to me to eat); the double standard we have lived with for centuries; the subjugation; even now, in some societies, being considered property of men; being considered less than, too emotional, ostracized, and even murdered because we are female. We have been undervalued, underfoot, misunderstood, and underappreciated. Although these relatively young women have not necessarily experienced this first hand, they may have witnessed it through their Grandmother or Mother. Many people did not grow up with a positive male role model. None of this was Father’s plan. On the other hand, these days the roles of men and women have been so redefined it is next to impossible to function and appreciate each other’s strengths and weaknesses without competing to be in charge. Men need to be able to talk about things without being considered weak or not “macho”. We truly need to go back to the beginning and relearn how the Creator defined the roles and do our best to walk that out. If that can be done in the state we are in is a big question. I am ever grateful to be a woman and to have grown up in a country where I am free to be.
Maggie. I agree with everything you said. And all of that abuse and lack of respect stems from the fact that Adam failed in his duties in the garden. By the way, the Scripture doesn’t pin the blame for the fall on woman but on the man. “By one man sin entered into the world” (ROM. 5:12). Mind you, the woman was complicit but it was his responsibility to protect her. His failure infected and affected men in general which led to much of the mistreatment of women that you describe. Blessings to you.
Very good assessment of what’s going on in our society. The feminist movement has failed to deliver what was hoped for, and now the ‘anti-patriarchal’ / ‘anti-masculinity’ movement has begun. Men had better start being men or our entire culture will collapse.
Amen, brother. Hope all are well in east Texas. Blessings.
Hello Bill,
In normal worldly dealings there is a chain of command for the purpose of avoiding chaos.
In the spiritual GOD did the same but His ways are perfect. GOD said man was to rule and woman was to come along side of him. In the new testament Paul address the church that women shouldn’t teach men. I believe the reason for this and my own experiences from seeing women(especially ungodly, bitter or angry women) rule over men is that they become like tyrants and lose who they are as women.
We also see this happening in with Jezebel and king Ahab. I am sad to say that men have caved in to the woman as Adam did to Eve and it’s a sad cycle.
I’m not saying women shouldn’t have a leadership role but that they shouldn’t lead where a man is to lead.
It seems to me that there were/are times that God selects a woman to “lead” (if that’s the proper term) because He can’t find a willing heart among the men. God has used women at other times, as His instruments, to save His people (e.g. Esther). God uses women who are willing servants to fulfill His purposes just as surely as He’ll use a man. Nevertheless, He appointed men to lead their families, their congregations and their nation. What we see happening today is a rebuke of men, in general, for lack of proper leadership in the home and in our nation. That doesn’t justify the feminists who advance Godless policies; they’ll have to answer for their choices, too. Blessings.
I am in full agreement. Well said.
Well said. I, too, found it disgusting that the ‘white-clad’ female Democratic congress mainly applauded themselves and were otherwise rude and showed little to no respect for those due their respect. Thank you for making it so clear that we as a nation are certainly looking at a death-spiral if we as believers and followers of Messiah do not stand up and speak up and live up to the responsibilities The Almighty has given us. Shalom
Vickie. Thank you for adding your voice to this message. Blessings.
Great blog and So true. It hasn’t been 8n a vacuum either. It’s been a growing phenom for 50 years at this point. Mens desire to sin and be free to sin left a created a void in leadership that has been filled by women.
Wow, what a powerful message. Really resonates with me. I just got through watching the Shabbat service Q/A and saw the Father’s heart in you…turning his sons and daughters back to Him. How we need more fathers and mothers in His Kingdom. Praying for you, Beth and all my family of God. Hope to see you next weekend if my eye injury doesn’t impair my driving ability again. 🙂
I really hope that you will be able to join us and that you recover quickly. Thank you for the very kind comments. Blessings.
There is an evil spirit encompassing America. Some call her a god, the Queen of heaven. They call her giliah (sp). In times past, diana or aphrodite, the beadt of ephesus. It gas taken over the music industry, Hollywood and now infiltrating our government. This Jezebel spirit castrates men and makes them eunuchs. Taking away their power, especially in reproduction of God’s word. Donald Trump,a real man like Jehu, is up against this spirit. It is spiritual warfare and he is trying to fight this thing alone. He needs significant prayer cover. This demon spirit is strong. We must cry out for Yah’s help in fighting this thing. This is not a war with flesh. It can only be defeated with prayer and fasting. All the witches in America called for fasting and praying to satan. And we see the results. Jesus gave us a secret battle plan, but we don’t take Him seriously enough to do so. We need all the spiritual leaders to call for all day of sackcloth and fasting to drive this enemy from our land. Starting with our own household, then our city, then our counties, then our states and finally our federal government. 2020 is fast approaching and this spirit has got to go.
A spiritual renewal is the only thing that will bring about the right change in our nation. I ageee with you that the time for prayer AND fasting is now. Blessings and shalom.
Thank you for this, Bill! Your challenge for believers to get our homes, congregations, and nation corrected is right on target. I pray for this to become more common for the sake of families, our nation, and especially for the work of serving our Messiah. May He be glorified as His bride prepares for His return!
Amen, Margaret. We all need to get our homes in order now so that He doesn’t have to force us to do so later. Blessings and shalom.
Wow, Bill. As usual, you hit the nail on the head, because you let the Spirit inspire your words. I am so thankful for your ministry, as it has helped me over the years see clearly what good fruit is. This word is very timely for me personally, as I prepare for what hopefully will be a wedding by the end of this year. I asked God to give me some guidance about my role as a man, husband, and father, and this is certainly a part of that answered prayer.
Blessings, brother!!! 🙂
Carl. Thank you, sir. I’m glad you the article helped you on some way. And as for your future plans, God bless and congratulations.
Your words are very true pertaining to women who feel a need to replace men as our leaders & protectors, but question your understanding of God’s Words in Genesis. It may be that woman was to have a leadership role from the beginning but that was taken away because of her disobedience. Another point is that this desire was speaking as physical relations since it followed childbearing & conception. What is so heartbreaking is these women’s failure to recognize the true God. And the repercussions to this country and to those who voted them into office.
Kathy. Your observations are good and I don’t dispute them but I have learned over the decades that sometimes both observations can be true. In other words, Hebraic thinking means the words have multiple levels of understanding. In some cases, not all, it doesn’t necessarily have to be either or.
Thank you Bill for such an inspiring blog. I am new to you and your teachings. I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for you and your new calling. One thing I have tried to share with other women is that from the beginning Yahweh created us, women, to be helpers. We have a big responsibility to be by our husbands, sons, sometimes fathers sides. To nudge, encourage and to have their backs. It is not a menial task, it is one that needs to be taken seriously. Being a former military wife I have seen through the years women attempt to wear their husbands ranks, rather then use their positions to guide other women to be he best for their husbands, they lord their husbands ranks over others male and female as if they earned it. I pray for Yahweh to continue to keep me humble and I do not fall into temptation and I pray the same for my daughters and other young women who are bombarded with a message not from scripture.
Neyla. I deeply appreciate your comments here – they are pregnant with wisdom. Thank you so much for adding your input to this discussion.
Oh, that we as women, and men, would practice His presence more – would pray and fast more on behalf of ourselves, our families, the body of Christ, our nation, and the world – and move the heart of the King as Esther did.
May it be so. Thank you for reminding us. Blessings.
The attributes of the harlot are juxtaposed against the qualities of the bride … the shamelessness and lack of natural affection vs contriteness and deep affection to the point of risking her own life for her young.
The problem is with men and not with women. Eve’s deception wasn’t a surprise immediate change of her heart. She had very likely been contemplating the deception by the enemy for some time (if we know the condition of the human intellect and heart). Adam, on the other hand, made a conscious decision to follow Eve into sin. Adam knew the cost and decided that he would give his life for her. If Adam had not made this decision then God would have likely killed Eve and replaced her.
It’s a man-problem because we are the leader and for the women to lead then we must abdicate. In the typical church, we see that the nurturing spirit of a woman will cause them to fill positions which are both abundant and largely non-paid while men make a feeble attempt to fill the “paid” positions.
Women serve because they are wired to serve while men must receive cash and ego boosts. For this reason, the church with the strained budget will see many more women in service than men.
This problem doesn’t sit on the doorstep of women at all, but rather at the feet of men who are so weak and without moral fortitude to serve their savior and master in silence. How many women signed the Declaration of Independence yet still suffered the loss of the family fortune?
Men desire to pontificate their own personal truth or the truth of the denomination and not be questioned rather than the truth of the entirety of scripture while submitting themselves to any authority inside or outside the church.