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Esau Rising


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SKU: BK-17 Category:


Those who believe in God and the Bible are under attack. Those who hold to the biblical standard of morality are mocked, verbally accosted, and even threatened with violence. The Left is attempting to remove God entirely from the public square, an out-of-control government is usurping the role of God as the provider and protecter, and Islamic jihadists are publicly killing Jews and Christians.

This hostile spirit stems from one of the most overlooked prophecies in all of Scripture: the rise of the spirit of Esau, the desire of the flesh. America has come to a threshold. Now is the time to decide which direction we are going to pursue.

Esau Rising analyzes the characteristics and mind-set of the biblical figure Esau and explains why these traits have prophetic ramifications for our day. Find out what is at the very heard of Esau and why those who follow in his footsteps hate God’s people.

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Esau Rising