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This is our commentary on the portion Yitro – “Jethro.” This portion takes its name from Moses’ father-in-law who offers Moses some sage advice. In this portion we also see the calling of the nation of Israel to be light to the nations of the world and the contract – Ten Commands – given to them. A lengthy study; hope you enjoy.
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Where is Part 2 of the PDF print-out for this Torah Portion?
Kindly requested,
Jill. Sorry for the oversight. We are looking for part 2 and will post asap. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Blessings.
The pdf link now has both parts of the outline.
Thanks so very much, Bill. Many blessings to you and yours, and to the Shoreshim Ministry. I’m on my first real read of His glorious Word, and you are helping me to know the Truth.
Thanks so much for including written notes for your commentary. As a visual learner, it really helps me to understand the material better. It’s much appreciated!
Glad to do it and thankful that it’s helping you. Blessings
Bill is there a way the team can make the PDF links active links instead of copy paste. I just can’t figure out how to do it ony phone. Certainly not a high priority already so grateful for all your family is doing.
Not sure about that but we can check into it. If its an easy fix then we’ll put it in the queue. Shalom.
Very good teaching