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Here is a d’rash (commentary) on the Torah Portion – Vay’yakhel (“He assembled”). In this parsha, Moses invites the entire nation to participate in the building of the mishkan by bringing the items needed to build it. This portionhighlights the willingness of the people to participate and the wisdom of the artificers responsible for taking what God had said and making it a physical reality. Hope you enjoy.
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I am relatively new to torah reading. In some other resources I see Exodus 35:1-40:38 for Vay’yakhel. Have I missed a session?
I love and appreciate all you do and the insight and wisdom you share with us!
This past week there was a double portion that began with Vay’yakhel and also included Pekudei which went to the end of the book of Exodus. That’s why you saw the reference going through Ex 40:38. Blessings and shalom. Glad you’re coming on the site.