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Shalom! Here is our commentary on the portion Vayigash – “And he approached.” This is one of the most prophetic portions in all of Scripture for it tells of the one who was despised by his brethren, only to be revealed to them in a time of life-threatening crisis. It also marks the beginning of Israel’s sojourn in Egypt. Much to glean from this sidrah. Hope you enjoy.
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Thank you
Please could I be put on Bill’s email news letter and most importantly to receive his weekly Parsha commentary.
Many thanks
Susan Gillett
Susan; To be placed on our email list click on “subscribe” located on the home page. It will prompt you to enter your contact information so that you can receive our email notifications. As far as the weekly parsha commentaries, you’ll need to visit our site and find the Portions under the “Listen” category. Shalom.
I’m SO THANKFUL you recorded this for us Bill! I’m under the weather also but was thinking how much MORE we need the WORD when we’re down and possibly too ill to read. Your teaching is an answer to prayer! May God protect you and your flock from any further attacks and heal everyone to the uttermost, in Yeshua’s Holy Name! Amen!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words and prayers for our group. Trusting that you are on the road to recovery as well. Blessings and shalom.
I really like listening to Bill Cloud