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This is my commentary on the torah portion Vayetze – “And he went out.” This parsha details Jacob’s journey into Padam-aram and his time spent under the oppression of Laban. This also tells of the origins of eleven of the twelve tribes and how they will be guarded and defended by the Messiah. Hope you enjoy!
Download PDF by copying and pasting this link into your browser:
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James; the link is directly under the description. You will have to copy and paste the link into a new browsers window. Shalom.
Pastor Bill, I can’t imagine the amount of time it took for you to type out your notes for EACH Torah portion! Please know that I, for one, am very grateful! This gives me the opportunity to read the Torah portion, and then through your notes with the Lord, and let Him open to me what He wants me to see and understand – “feed(ing) me with the food that is convenient for me.” The recordings of your commentary are also a blessing. So thankful that you made the time to do all of this!🙌🏾🙌🏾. May the Lord bless you!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you Diane; That’s very encouraging to hear. Blessings.