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This is our commentary on the portion Vayera – “I appeared.” In this portion, the outstretched arm of the LORD begins to move upon the land of Egypt. The first seven of ten plagues are unleashed upon Pharaoh and his people, primarily, to show that the God of the Hebrews is God.! Hope you enjoy.
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Thank you for doing the whole Parsha and not just some portion.
You’re welcome. Thanks for listening and tell your friends to visit the site. Blessings.
Thank you for doing the whole Parsha and not just some portion.
You’re welcome. Thanks for listening. Blessings.
Dear brother Bill.I am blessed by your handout,pleas post it.Specially on the five books of Moses(Torah)
Chala; Links for PDFs are available on each of the Torah portion commentaries. I hope you are blessed. Shalom.
Thanks Bill, probably the best I have heard on this Torah Portion.
Always look forward to listening to these teachings.
Blessings to you and your Family Tommy Tipton
Thanks for the encouragement. Blessing to you.