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Shalom! Here is our commentary on the portion Vayechi – “And he lived.” This is the final portion of B’reshiyt and one full of nuggets. Just some of the highlights are the adoption of Manasseh and Ephraim, the blessing placed upon Ephraim and Jacob’s prophecy for all the tribes. Hope you enjoy.
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So glad to see this is up. At the beginning of each week, I find myself popping in here to make sure the next commentary is up and ready for me to listen to. Every morning I read a chapter of the Torah Portion and on Shabbat morning I listen to your words on the whole Parasha. This has become a habit for me. ?
פשוט רציתי להגיד תודה רבה לכם! שלום וברכה מנתניה.
Roni; I’m so glad that you are enjoying them. Shalom.
ברכות לך