Here is a d’rash (commentary) on the Torah Portion – Tetzaveh. This parsha highlights the selection of the priests and the holy garments designed especially for them and, in particular, the High Priest. Of particular interest to us, as believers, are the two stones worn upon the shoulders of the High Priest as well as the twelve “precious” stones upon the breastplate. The imagery in this parsha emphasizes the role of our heavenly High Priest and accentuates the importance of the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. Hope you enjoy.
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I always look forward to Bill’s commentary on the weekly Parashah. It is very enlightening and it broadens my understanding of scriptures.
So glad you’re blessed by it. Shalom.
Very insightful! Yeshua is all over this parasha. Thanks for another great teaching! I especially found Bill’s comments on בגד, or clothing, intriguing and the section on the ephod relating to the tribes in the end times very interesting! שלום!
Is there a way to print Bill’s Motes from the Jacob’s Tent Page without having to come to billcloud.com and copy the pdf file?
Not at this time. BC