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Here is a d’rash (commentary) on the Torah Portion – Terumah. This parsha highlights the preparation for the Mishkan – the Tabernacle – and details different components including the Ark of the Covenant and the Menorah. The emphasis of this parsha, from my point of view, is different components becoming one and the need for us to constantly remind ourselves of the responsibility to live holy.
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I appreciated the insights on this portion. I often struggle with the concept of pain and suffering . This gave me a different perspective that I can continue to ponder on.
I’m so glad that it helped you. Thanks for letting me know. Blessings.
Shabbat Shalom
Thank you for this teaching. Amazing!!! So much to glean and learn. I truly enjoy listening to your weekly Torah portion teachings. May our Abba Father bless you and continue to inspire you and may we have ears that hear and hearts that understand. May we all grow into the image bearers we’ve been called to become. Blessings and shalom to you and your family
Nancy. Thanks so much for the encouraging comments. Blessings to you.
Hi Bill, I really enjoy your weekly Torah portions. There isn’t much out there that goes through them verse by verse and breaks down the key Hebrew words. The insights from the rabbis and your applications to us today are especially insightful. Looking forward to continuing to studying these through with you. I noticed that you have not posted one for Tetzaveh this week. Praying that all is well with you and your family! May Abba bless you and keep you
Dianna; Thank you. I just noticed that too. Looking into it.
Absolutely wonderful insights Bill!! Thank you soo much for all ya’ll do.. I look forward to this every week. I thank Abba for Jacobs Tent! May Abba continue to bless you all in Y’shua’s name
I’m having trouble accessing the PDF. The link isn’t working
So sorry. Your comment slipped by me. I went to the sight and accessed the PDF with no problem. Did you try rebooting your computer and attempt to load it again?